Chapter 3: A New Plan.

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Mario sat in the cold, empty cell, with his hat in his hand. He idly felt at the seams, the M in the center was halfway ripped off. Due to his adventures in this castle, much of his attire had been torn and shred. He breathed a heavy sigh.

After Bowsette had taken him, she drove to Bowser's castle and thrown him in here. The cell was in a room surrounded by lava and scattered rocks.

He figured Bowsette must be an assistant to Bowser of some kind. Yet, something seemed off. She hadn't mentioned the King's name once, only that she would check on him soon. Funny, she already knew he was gonna escape.

As soon as he figured how.

-- --

Bowsette paced back and forth in her room, realizing what she had just done.

She kidnapped her husband's enemy. Either he was gonna be pissed, or pleased. She hoped he would be greatful.

Then it hit her. He'll try and use this to his advantage! He'll just kill him on the spot, and make her hard work for naught. This was supposed to be revenge, not a gift!

She growled, punching the wall in dismay. She had to make sure Bowser didn't find out about this. Which sucked. The whole point of this was to get revenge for him basically cheating on him. She was gonna kill the Princess Infront of him.

But that red guy... He doesn't care about him. How is this going to be revenge?

She sat down her elbows on her knees and her hands on her head. She needed to think.

What if she protected him? No, that would be stupid. She could kill him? Bowser would want that!

A sudden crash awoke her from her thoughts. She made it to the door, opening it quickly. She heard screaming and started to run.

That little shit!

-- --

Mario had managed to squeeze past the metal bars of his confinement. Thank God he went on a diet last week. Now all that was left to do was simple platforming. He easily made it to the door, running out at full speed. Guard koopas and goombas immediately noticed him and charged after.

He grabbed a koopa and threw his shell across the halls. It hit anything in his path, causing destruction on every turn. The minions screeched and cried out, trying to hide from the man who just wanted freedom.

Sudden loud footsteps came from behind him. He turned, expecting to see Bowser. But no. A tall, blonde woman was approaching him. Bowsette? She looked fired up. Hilarious.

"Where do you think you're going??"

She hissed out, her nose flaring smoke.

Mario simply turned back and began to run to the castle doors. He was so close! A hand on his back made him freeze, and he yelped as he was lifted in the air.

"Ha! You really thought."

Bowsette threw him over her shoulder, silently sighing in relief. That was too close. It was obvious she couldn't trust anyone but herself to make sure he didn't escape..

Mario squirmed in her grasp, kicking and punching to be set free. She stayed unmoved. He gave up after realizing she wasn't going to break, much to his dismay.

Bowsette walked through the halls to her room, glaring at any onlookers. They shivered, running away. Mario took note of this, his curiosity peaking. Bowser never got that reaction from his own people.

When they reached her room, she threw him inside and slammed the door shut. He landed on her bed with an 'oof.' He quickly sat up.

Bowsette stood Infront of him, hands on her hips.

"What's the deal with you?? Don't you know prisoner code!?"

Mario crossed his arms, refusing to respond. Of course he knew prisoner code. 'don't escape until someone rescues you.' What a stupid rule! Fuck that, and fuck you.

Bowsette scowled, leaning over torwards him. He could see her cleavage peaking out...

He adverted his eyes.

"Wow. You can't even look at me, how rude! Like it or not mustache, you're under MY command. I kidnapped you!"

He rolled his eyes. Oh pah-lease.

"I swear to God, the next time you pull a stunt like that I'm leashing you."

She flicked his nose in annoyance. Mario now stared right at her, his brow raised. She scoffed.

Walking to her desk, she knew there wasn't much time until he tried to get free again. Her mind kept going to that bitch, of how she and her husband were getting it on. Of how Bowser no longer cared for her.

A lightbuld went inside her as she looked to the tiny man sitting on her bed, angerly staring at the ground.

Eh, he was kinda cute. This might work out.

-- --
Luigi sighed, sitting up at his desk and writing in his diary. Mario had told him that the Princess needed him again, so they couldn't go out today. Which was fine!

Well, not really..

He knew his brother didn't have a choice. He wasn't mad at him. He was just upset..

Maybe he could go to the castle! Yeah! Hopefully the toads would let him see Mario, he couldn't be too busy.

Shutting his diary and putting on his hat, he walked out the door.

The walk to the castle wasn't long, thankfully. They moved closer, due to how much the kingdom relied on his older brother. Not that he was complaining.

When he made it to the castle door, he felt a strange nausea inside. Determined, he pushed it down and matched in. He didn't expect to see toads running around, screaming and just freaking out. It made him freak out a little!

He went to one of the toads quickly, and caught him with his arm.

"What's going on? Where's Mario!?"

The toad began to cry, his voice wavering.

" A-a lady took him!! She kidnapped him in a clown k-kart and... -"

He began to wail, words becoming incomprehensive. Luigi started with his eyes wide. Mario? Kidnapped??

Wait. Clown kart? Only Bowser had those! Fear filled Inside of him. If Bowser took Mario, horrible things were about to happen..

He had to save his brother. No matter how scared he was, it was up to him..!

Dicke Titten. (MarioxBowsette)Where stories live. Discover now