Chapter fourteen

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The three aprentices woke from their sleep, It was barely dawn. Sootstar was sitting on the log that stood in the middle of camp, just looking on into the horizon. Dawnpaw watched him foucuse on a spot in the east, and then leap down onto the ground. He began to speak to someone. A glimmer of hope hit Dawnpaw when he saw a black cat and many, many others followed. He jumped up and ran to them as soon as Mousetail padded through the walls of camp. "Mousetail!" the young tom squealed, jumping up and down infront of her. 

"Dawnpaw! How you have grown, you look like.. A medicine apprentice." she inspected at him, he smelt of herbs, and there was small junipers berries in his fluff. "Yeah! Im a medicine cat now!" Dawnpaw said, he didnt know how she would react, and why she reacted like that. "oh my, well. Now you have someone to keep you company when everyone is off fighting, and because you are so young, ill teach you a few things." Mousetail smiled, patting him gently with her paw. Dawnpaw giggled and guided her to the medicine den. 

Foxpaw padded out but Bumblepaw stayed in the den, but there was an odd feeling. A feeling of being watched, but someone. He turned around, a glowing green eye peirced his soul, a sharp pain hit his cheek. Blood trickled down his face and onto his moss bedding, the cat disappeared before he could even think to look back. He got up and sprinted out, dashing through the camp and into the medicine den. "Dawnpaw.. Mousetail? Uhm- i just got.. Scratched." Bumblepaw spoke. "Oh bumblepaw, we can help! How did it happen." Mousetail asked. "Not sure, thank you." 

It was dawn, the sun had risen and the everyone was wide awake at every corner. Sootstar, crowstar, monarchsong and Mistyshores stood ready at the front of camp. Waiting to fight. Bumblepaw amerged and got into an empty spot, unsheathing his claws. A large group of sunclan cats stomped into position infront of the camp. Hiddenstar looked slightly edgy at the sight of Moonclan, he didnt think of them having an alliance. Sootstar had spoken to the cats of moonclan about the element of suprise, Mistyshores noted that. He had said even if there were more of them, Sunclan cats strike harder.

Sootstar could tell some of the cats began to spread out, trapping them in their own camp. Crowstar whispered something to him, sootstar nodded. Crowstar padded forwards, stopping infront of hiddenstar. "Hiddenstar, i would like to give you one last chance. So, how are you?" Crowstar dipped his head to the younger leader, but Hiddenstar snarled and slashed his claw and Crowstars chest. But it didnt leave a mark, he missed. Crowstar padded back to the others."Alright, i know how you feel. Let the battle begin." Crowstar hissed as him and mistyshores whipped their claws at him. Sootstar ran backwards. 

"Dawnpaw, lead the apprentices into battle. I trust you to do this." Sootstar whispered as he dashed back and climbed over the hedges. Dawnpaw nodded and gathered Bumblepaw and Foxpaw. Bumblepaw didnt hesitate to bolt forwards, running and tackling a sunclan apprentice, Timepaw. Timepaw struggled as he was struck to the ground. Bumblepaw scratched his face, but just his nose, nothing that would leave a scar. Bumblepaw was thrown off by another apprentices, it was a bold strike. It was Crescentpaw, the jack he met when he was younger. Crescentpaw hissed a warning, helping timepaw up and sprinting off.

Dawnpaw yowled as he led the smallest cats in sunclan, diamondnose to Totemgaze, the largest cat in moonclan. Diamondnose scratched dawnpaws shoulder before Totemgaze saw him, Dawnpaw fell onto the grass as his leg became unsteady. When diamondnose was about to strike the apprentice Foxpaw latched onto his neck and bit him viciously. "Wow you dont have morals Foxpaw!" Dawnpaw shouted as he sprinted away, Foxpaw followed behind him. Crowstar and Hiddenstar were brawling with eachother, the older leader struck him on his face, leaving a large, gaping scar on his face. Blood ran down his face as he yowled, but over the yelling, the fighting and the fear, no one came to his rescue. 

Mistyshores and Sootstar were fighting Longshadows, the largest tom in Sunclan. The speed of Mistyshores and the strength of Sootstar made Longshadows fall to the ground, howling in pain as Sootstar ripped a gash in the large black toms back. Sootstar noticed thatwerent fighting as well as he knew them to, suprise wouldnt be needed. Before Sootstar came back to reality, hiddenstar and Flamethroat pushed him and Moonclans deputy down. Hiddenstars blood dripped onto His own face. Hiddenstar ripped a long, bloody scar across his chest. "AGH" Sootstars head leaned back in pain. 

Flamethroats yowl took Hiddenstar by surpise, he looked away long enough for Sootstar to drag his hind legs across hiddenstars belly, this would be Sootstars final attack against him before Hiddenstar rolled off him and fell to the ground, he had lost a life. Sootstar limped away, quick enough to get away before he woke back up. Monarchsong wasnt doing that good, he was back up by Flamethroat. Flamethroat hurled insulting words towards the ex-deputy of sunclan. Flamethroat hit them hard, leaving them on the ground.

Astroidclans apprentices were being backed up into a den, the warriors den. Sootstar and Monarchsong were pushed into the den with them, leaves and thorns covered their pelts from being pushed through the walls. "Its alright you two, we know what we can do." Monarchsong whispered. As Sunclan cats backed them up further, sootstar and monarchsong collapsed. Bumblepaw remembered this, when he was first being trained by mistyshores. Snowydawn, explosivewind and deerantler looked slightly confused. "Well im not about to fight some.. Well, basically kits! We should go back, just take the two with us." Snowydawn suggested, she wasnt the type to do anything bad to a young cat, she still thought of herself as a queen.

the two other cats listened, they didnt really want to either. Deerantler and explosivewind were about to grab the deputys scruff before sootstar sprang up and tackled Deerantler, monarchsong nippsed at explosivewind as he got close to his face, he leaped from the ground and threw the tom out of the den. Snowydawn being suprised, ran off. Foxpaw and Bumblepaw grinned and sprinted out, leaving the fight up to them. Foxpaw snuck up behind flamethroat and palestep, knocking them off the small ledge they perched on. "sunclan cats never land on their feet." Mistyshores said, appearing behind him. "I can tell." Foxpaw mewed as he looked down at the cats struggling to get back up.

When sootstar finished off his fight with explosivewind most of the sunclan cats ran to a lagre pine tree, Sunclan cats could climb very well. They ran because their leader lost a life. Sootstar thought as he watched Sootstar limp with the clans medicine cat by his side. Sootstar snorted, hut he realizedhow much blood he himself was losing, he sprinted to the medicine den, dawnpaw was treating one of Rustedclaws wounds. "Sootstar, oh great starclan!" Mousetail jumped at the sight of his scars. "Here, sit down and ill treat them." 

Those were the last words Sootstar heard before passing out, losing one of his lives due to blood loss. "There, sootstar can you hear me?" Mousetail asked, her tone was soft. Softer then normal. "Yes, i can hear you just fine. Did i lose a life?" Sootstar sat up, worry covered his face. "Yes, but you are treated now. Your wounds could have been worse, i think starclan had to do with it being treated so fast." Mousetail said but she stopped as she saw Sootstar get back and run out. "Leaders am i right?" Rustedclaws laughed

Sootstar lead Multiple of his most trusted Moonclan and Astroidclan warriors with him to the paine tree sunclan was at. But, they didnt climb said tree, instead they made themselves more obvious to further fighting. As soon as warriors began fighting once more, george, hiddenstar, palestep and Flamethroat ran off further into the twolegs area, crossing the stepping stone with difficultly, they had been driven from their own land. Sunclan retreated with them, but they were slower, more cats severely injured. When Moonclan and Astroidclan gathered back, Monarchsong beckoned them back to the tunnel that was made for Dawnpaw to escape from a while ago. 

It was an odd thing for them to be brought back to these tunnels right after a war had been won, but Monarchsong was always an ominous tom. The four others followed him deep into ths tunnel. Now, it was like a cave, it was more fleshed out. He sat down at the end of the tunnel, like he was covering something of importance. Little did the cats of astroidclan know, not many un-injured sunclan cats actually left. He covered a small field mouse. "Dawnpaw, mind taking a bite? You worked hard." Monarchsong grinned. 

Dawnpaw dragged the mouse towards him and took a bite, it had an abnormal crunch. The tunnel fell silent for a moment, but just for a moment. Hiddenstar, flamethroat and palestep barged in. Hiddenstar went after Sootstar and the other two after the apprentices. Monarchsong watched silently, the moving paws of the cats shook the earth. "Down with the revolution, for it was never ment to be." Monarchsongs words rang in the leaders ears. All the things that they had worked on were gone. The four Sunclan cats left, leaving Sootstar and his apprentices behind in the dust.



"What in starclans name?"

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