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Small bare feet plodded along the cold wet concrete. Rain dripped off the strands of hair that stuck to their cheeks.

They desperately rubbed frozen hands and arms together for some form of warmth.

A couple approached them.

"What's your name, dear?" The kind lady stooped down as her lover held the umbrella over her and the child.

"Y/n." They mumbled.

"Where are your parents, Y/n?"

"Mommy and daddy don't want me anymore." Their little head lowered in shame.

"Oh dear- Shanks, what should we do?" She turned to him.

He slowly crouched down.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, kid. It's not your fault." He gently lifted their face and ruffled their soggy hair. "We have plenty of hot chocolate and cookies, right Makino?" He looked to Makino with a smile.

"We do and warm blankets too." She returned the smile.

He offered his hand to the little child.

Their eyes lit up and they excitedly slapped their tiny hand onto his.

--- Three Years Ago---

Y/n nibbled on a cookie Makino gave them that morning while listening to the gossip coming from around the corner.

"Did you hear? The new kid's from France." One boy whispered to another.

"Yeah, I saw him too. He looks pretty girly if you ask me." He laughed.

"Yup. Oh, there he is." He pointed toward a blond boy picking flowers.

Y/n peeked to see who everyone had been talking about.

Sanji smiled to himself after grabbing another daisy for a flower crown. He planned to give it to the teacher. The pink ones would look so nice alternating with the white.

Y/n almost choked on the last bite of cookie. Maybe it was just the lighting, the way the gentle breeze caressed his golden locks, or his adorable smile at the flowers in his hand, but damn he looked cute.

"C'mon, let's fuck him up." The two boys got up, but found their path blocked by the one and only menace themself.

"Damn it, Y/n. Get outta our way."

"I don't feel like it." They smirked, knowing what they were up to.

One of the boys grew frustrated and swung at them.

They grabbed his fist and plunged their knee into his stomach.

The other boy ran away as they kicked their curled up aggressor a few times.

Sanji looked to the violent scene and quickly gathered all the daisies to hide behind a tree.

"I need to be careful here." He whispered.

--- Back to the present ---

"I know you've been writing some nasty shit on Sanji's desk again, Jared. I recall telling to you leave him alone last year. Was I not clear enough?" Y/n slammed their hand onto the wall alarmingly close to Jared's face.

"NOnono no you were." He whimpered.

"Really? Then why am I here?" They growled forming a fist.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"

They pulled away slowly and took a deep breath.

"It better not. I won't let slide next time if it does."

He saw the opportunity and scurried away like the rat he was.

"He's just too pretty. All the insecure assholes gotta make him their target." They sighed as they walked up the stairs to the roof.

Stupid Jared almost made them late for lunch with Sanji.


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