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His fist lingered mere centimeters away from the door. Why? He didn't know, but his heart was pounding. He couldn't bring himself to move any further.

The door swung open. It startled him enough to pull away in a frightened pose, like a spider just crawled over his foot.

"Wow, you're so slow at knocking that I beat you to it. Hurry up, turtle boy. And close your mouth while you're at it. It'd be a shame if you swallowed a bug." They joke and motion for him to come in, a little flirtatiously, with a single finger.

"How do you know that's what I was doing? You can see through doors and walls now? Who are you, Saiki Kusuo?"

"Nope, my apartment has a camera and a lil monitor with a motion sensor. I just noticed lil San-chan staring off into the aether on the screen. My psychic ability is technology. Ooooh so scary. How will poor San-chan cope?"

"Alright. Alright. Would you stop with the silly nickname?" He looked away hoping they would take the bait and change the subject of how dumb he probably looked.

"Never, San-chan~" Y/n smirks and leads him inside with a hand against the small of his back.

His posture straightens abruptly and his face flushes a sweet, almost strawberry, shade of pink.

They pulled away to close the door.

He quickly moved to take a seat on the couch and placed his bag of things down next to the cardboard box coffee table.

They definitely hadn't lied about most of their money going into the apartment itself. The "table's" cute cartoon cat table cloth was undeniably an adorable touch.

"Like it?" They sat down close enough to be touching with only a little slide to the left, and placed down their notebook.

"The box table or the Meow Meow Kitty table cloth?" He said with an amused expression.

"Neither. The couch, dumbass. It used to belong to Shanks. I'm surprised he let me take it. The cloth is from Makino. I'd never pick something like that. Don't you dare tell her that though."

"I won't." He laughed.

"Promise?" They held out their pinky finger.

"Seriously?" He said taken aback by the sudden childish gesture.

"Serious. Makino would be sad if she thought I didn't like any of her gifts."

"Fine. I promise I won't tell." He sighed and reluctantly entangled his finger with theirs.

"and seal it with a kiss." Their thumb gently pressed up to his like two small lovers sharing a short peck before parting ways.

He erupted into a violent shade of red from the neck up, eyes wide, mind blank, the unsuspecting victim had ascended. Checkmate.

"Are you alright?" Their grip on his hand loosened. They didn't think he'd have such an intense reaction.

Wha-what was that?" His voice came out unintentionally high in pitch, practically a squeak.

"Huh? That's the way Makino does it. Is it bad?" A frown appeared on their face and they pulled away entirely.

"NO. No. No. No. It's fine! Just um... don't do that with anyone else ok?" As unexpected as it was he didn't quite dislike it. He just didn't want them to embarrass themself with someone else. (denial)

"Ok, I won't. We should get started. Which subject do you wanna go with first?" The smile returned to their face.



"Well, you think you're ready?" He leaned into the plush couch cushions, looked to the window, and saw the blackened inky sky.

"Yeah, if I don't pass it won't be my fault."

"Hopefully, you do pass. I'd hate if all your effort was waisted." He leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

"It'll be fine. You're really good at explaining things." They stood up and gathered all the dishes left from the late study snacking.

He shot up from his comfortable position on the couch and motioned to take the dishes.

"You don't need to do that." He said reaching again after having them pulled away the first time.

"It's late. Go ahead and get ready for the night. I'll do it." Y/n walked past him into the kitchen.

"Not without me." He followed.

"Alright, if you insist." It wasn't worth arguing over.

"I do."


He changed clothes in the bathroom and got comfy on the couch.

"What do you think you're doing there San-chan?" They walked out of their room wearing an oversized shirt.


"Not there. I happen to own a queen sized mattress. It's one of the few luxury items I own." They leaned against the doorframe to their room.

"I-I can't intrude on you like that." His eyes traveled away from their form to prevent any wandering.

"I slept there before. It gets really cold and I can't sleep peacefully knowing you'll be shivering on my couch all night. Pleeeeaaase San-chan~ It's warmer in my room~" Y/n made a sad expression and beckoned him with a single move of their hand.

He sighed and gave in.


It got colder throughout the night. Even laying on the edge of the bed was a little cold. He was glad he listened and didn't freeze on the couch.

He snuggled in a bit deeper in hopes of driving away the mild chill.

"Cold?" He heard a tired whisper.

"I thought you were asleep." He tried not to show how startled he was.

"I was, but that's not important. Are you cold?"

He was silent for a moment.

"A little bit." He reluctantly admitted.

"Come closer." They gently tugged at his sleeve.

"A-Are you sure it's ok?" He hesitated.

"Yes. Come closer."

He finally moved and was pulled into their warm embrace.

His heart leapt. Sanji had never been more thankful for darkness. He would've hated it if they could've seen the look on his face.

"Better?" They asked unknowingly teasing him with the slight graze of their hand on the most sensitive part of his back.


"Good. Sleep well." They snuggled into him and proceeded to fall back to sleep.

After a few minutes he relaxed into the comfort of their hold and joined them in slumber.


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