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Note: Bitch is gender neutral to me ok?


The sun had barely arisen, the sky turning a pale blue. The birds sang their song and the morning dew dripped from the leaves of trees.

There he was at such an early hour humming a soft tune as he stirred the sweet batter around and around.

He'd wrongfully hated them less than a month ago and now here he was making cupcakes for their potential victory against a test.

For years Sanji assumed Y/n to be nothing more than a brute and a nuisance to all the teachers who so kindly tolerated them. To say he assumed incorrectly would be an understatement.

There wasn't a single person out there who brought him such feelings of warmth like they did.

Cupcakes were the least he could do to make up for the hatred he held toward them for so long. He owed them.

It was similar to way he felt about Zeff, but for entirely different reasons.

Long ago he ran away with no intention of ever coming back. He became a street rat, or at least that's what the townspeople called him.

A kind chef by the name of Zeff took pity on him and gave him food and shelter in return for assistance.

Eventually Zeff decided that a change in scenery would be good for business and the two moved far away from France.

His debt toward Zeff was out of gratefulness, and Y/n out of guilt for thinking poorly of someone he'd grown to lov- like.

Yes, "like". That was certainly the right word for it.


Y/n stared at the paper wide eyed. They couldn't believe it.

Not only had they passed, but they had passed with the second highest score in the class, Sanji himself being the one to hold the highest.

As soon as lunch break began Y/n grabbed both Sanji's hand and his bag and raced to the roof.

" I FUCKING DID IT!" They shouted upon arrival.

"I know!" He said happily and a bit out of breath.

"We should should study together from here on out!" They said with brightest smiled he'd ever seen.

"Of course, how does every Friday sound?" He just couldn't say no, not that he wanted to.

Waking up in their bed again didn't sound too bad, he could tolerate it.

"Thank you!" Y/n pulled him close and into a hug out of pure excitement.

"N-No problem." He said returning the hug, hoping they couldn't feel the racing of his heart.

"What's the rush?" Ace said opening the door to the roof, interrupting the moment.

"I passed the test!" Y/n cheered letting go of Sanji and walking up to Ace.

"Oh! Nice!" Ace fist bumped them.

"If passing is this big of a deal, then you're screwed, Ace." Sabo said having been right behind Ace the whole time.

"Hey!" Ace said in half assed fake anger.

"C'mon, I didn't make cupcakes just so everyone could stand around and chat the whole break away." Sanji said having already sat down and pulled the bento boxes out of his bag.

"You made cupcakes?!" Y/n exclaimed and quickly sat down beside him.

"Yeah, and you're lucky I packed the frosting separately rather than frosting them at home, because they'd be a mess from you dragging me up here." He chided in an affectionate tone.

"Oops, sorry." Y/n laughed guiltily.

"It's alright, I thought ahead." Sanji smiled and began frosting the cupcakes.


"What would you have done with these cupcakes if they failed, Sanji?" Sabo asked finishing the last bite of his cupcake.

"They'd just become pity cakes." He laughed putting the cupcake box away.

"Nooo not pity cakes. That would've sucked. I mean imagine making celebration cupcakes and then I just fail." Y/n groaned.

"Don't think about what could've happened. You passed didn't you?" Ace nudged them.

"You're right." They sighed and wiped some frosting off of their hand.

"I'll be right back, gonna take a trip to the bathroom." Sanji said getting up and dusting himself off.

"Alright, don't take too long. It'd be shame if you spent the rest of lunch in the bathroom." Y/n teased.

Sanji just waved it off and left.


Upon exiting the bathroom he found himself surrounded.

"Y/n isn't around to save your ass like they always do." Jared sneered.

"What you mean by always?" Sanji said with a confused expression.

He could've sworn it was only once.

"Don't play dumb with me! That bitch has been on our asses if we so much as glanced at you wrong for years." Jared angrily approached grabbing him by the collar.



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