11. Love

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Jacky had come to pick us up, and Spencer waved goodbye to me as the FBI car drove away. JJ and Spencer had waited till I got out of the forest safely, and now they were going to meet Hotchner, Morgan, and Prentiss at the station to talk to Him I guess.....

Jacky didn't say anything about my red, wet face or my bloodshot eyes, he just hugged me quickly and opened the door for Ronnie and I to get in the backseat. Then he got in and drove us back to the hospital.

My breathing had slowed down, closer to normal, and my heartbeat had dropped back down to average. I had stopped shaking for the most part, but my hands still shook, so bad that Ronnie had to lean over me and buckle me up cause I couldn't keep my hands still enough to put the seat belt in the buckle. It was embarrassing how useless I was, really.

My skin tingled everywhere that it was in touch with Ronnie. He had his hand holding mine, resting in my lap. He was looking ahead, but I'm sure he noticed when I turned my head and stared at him. I looked at the way his hair fell, taking in every single strand that fell over his face. I looked at his open lips, his tongue flicking out to lick them every so often.

I looked at his eyelashes fanning out from his gorgeous eyes, oh eyes you could just get lost in and never really find your way out of.

How had I managed to catch the eye of someone so fucking beautiful? He was attractive, no one could deny that and be telling the truth.

And me? I was ugly. My hair was too unruly, not curly like ringlets, but hecticly wavey, hair pointing in all directions at some places. It was poofy and staticky, and I couldn't do anything with it. My face was just......ew, and my body was disgusting. I was disgusting.

But Ronnie, Ronnie was beautiful. There was legitimately nothing wrong with him. Look at his face and you will find nothing wrong. Look at his body and you will find nothing but beauty. He was fucking perfect.

He could get any girl he wanted if he out enough effort into it, or any guy for that matter. Hell, self-proclaimed straight guys would get with him if they had the chance. So why had he settled for me? Boring, ugly old me who caused nothing but problems and pain? He could do so much better.

I thought about this for so long that when I came back to and was aware of my surroundings, I was back at the hospital and Ronnie was talking to a nurse. I blinked a few times and tried to remember when I had gotten here, but I couldn't recall anything. I was hopeless.

The nurse went away and Ronnie stood in front of me. I gulped and he looked down at me, staring right into my eyes like I was the universe, a whole cosmos he was dying to explore. He took a hand and laid it on my cheek, his thumb slowly moving back and forth.

He leaned down so he was face to face with me, and my heart beat quickened. Luckily, the nurses hadn't come to attach me back to the machines so he didn't hear my jackrabbit heart beat, but I'm sure he knew it was like that anyways. He swallowed and licked his lips, still staring into my eyes.

I squirmed under his gaze, wanting to pull away and also wanting to lean into him and kiss him. He took a breath and opened his mouth, about to say something.

I watched him in anticipation, waiting to hear what he had to say. Was he just fucking with me, watching my reaction?

"I love you" he said slowly, like he was tasting a new drink, swirling it around in his mouth to see what it tasted like, see if he liked it. I gasped and my eyes widened. I leaned away and turned my face away, biting my lip. "No you don't" I said, not able to look at him.

He sat down on the bed next to me and pulled my head back to face him, saying "yes I do. I love you!" and leaning closer.

I shook my head and said "no, no". It wasn't true. It couldn't be. He was him, I was me. There was no way that it could be. He couldn't love me. Nobody could love me.

"Yes, I love you Ry" he said and this time, he held my face firmly so I couldn't move and he kissed me.

I took a breath in surprise and he deepened the kiss, grabbing my neck and pulling me closer. I moved my hands to grip his arms, kissing him back.

I don't know if it was true, but it felt true. It didn't make sense for him to love me, but it would explain why he hadn't left me yet. 'Give it time, he will' I told myself, different parts of me fighting.

I just blocked out the voices and focused on him, holding him close to me and keeping my lips wrapped up with his.

He said he loved me.

I knew I loved him.

So I would enjoy it while I had it.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now