18. Trapped In The Sea Of Your Mind

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****heres a super long chapter for you all, and don't hate me too much, and don't give up on this book please ****


Ryker collapsed in Ronnie's arms, her body sagging. Blood poured out of her back and chest, and her eyes were glazed over and quickly shut. One heaving breath and then she didn't move. Ronnie stared at her in disbelief and started screaming, and John stood there laughing.

Spencer made it across the street and he set Ryker on the ground. He told Ronnie to press hard on her right side and not let up. Then he drew his gun and faced John.

His hand shook, and the gun clattered loudly. John looked Spencer up and down and quirked his eyebrow, laughing hysterically. He was not impressed.

"You want to take me on? Ha, you're a pathetic little joke. The only reason the FBI let you be on their team was because you are smart, so you can do all the calculating and stuff, and then the bigger guys can burst in and be the heroes. Nobody cares about you, nobody credits you, you're not a real FBI agent" John said, analyzing Spencer's insecurities and getting in his head and under his skin.

You could see on Spencer's face that what John said dug deep because he had thought that about himself many times before. But then he looked over and saw Ronnie leaning over Ryker, pressing down on her bullet wound, and he saw the blood seeping into the ground beneath her, and he set his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows in determination. He wouldn't let John win.

He had already called 911 as soon as he saw Ryker and Ronnie held at gunpoint, and he had put the phone in his pocket without hanging up so the operator could hear and record everything. This was vital. It would be evidence that even the supervisor couldn't question.

He would get John to admit to what He had done.

"That's not true. You're just trying to manipulate me. But it won't work, you said it yourself. I'm smart. Too smart for your little tricks" Spencer said, standing up taller and holding the gun steadier.

John scowled and flared his nostrils in anger. He didn't like it when people could oppose Him. He didn't like it when people didn't fall into His traps and fall victim to His mind games. He didn't like it at all.

"But Ryker wasn't, was she? She fell into your trap, didn't she?" he said, questioning John. He was tempting John to say too much, and John fell for it. John thought He was invincible, that He was above the law. And for most cases, He was.

But not this time, Spencer thought. Not this time.

John was usually very careful about remaining innocent-looking and not suspicious at all, thats how He had managed to avoid being arrested during the 6 years He had tortured Ryker.

But this time, His ego lured Him into the trap, and He spoke.

"Oh Ryker, naive, stupid little Ryker. She first thought I actually wanted to help get her freed. Silly, misled little girl. She tempted me constantly with her little mannerisms and looks. She was asking for it. I knew she wanted me, and I was happy to oblige. She complained a lot a first, but then she got meek, broke, just like I knew she would" He said, laughing a little.

"How did she break? How did you break her?" Spencer asked, hoping that John would keep talking and clearly admit what He had done.

"She's a weak little slut, can't hardly take a beating before crying and yelling. She was asking for it though, always stepping out of line and trying to tell someone. Stupid!" John said, getting a bit ruffled up thinking about it. "What did you do to her?" Spencer repeated, reading John to see if He would lie or run away.

"Well at first I just touched her a bit, and hit her around. Then she kept getting more and more resistant, so I took her, fucked her good. Bitch was a virgin, I couldn't believe it. She was such a slut, I figured she had gotten some. Worried she'd be too loose. But she wasn't. She was perfect." John said, snickering a bit. His eyes dilated as He got sexually aroused just thinking about it.

"So you raped, and abused her?" Spencer said, trying to get John angry. He knew just what buttons to push to throw John over the edge.

"No, you make it sound bad. I didn't rape her, she wanted it! And I didn't abuse her, I just disciplined her. I did it to help her! To make her a better woman" John said, getting upset. He didn't like how Spencer was wording things.

"But Ryker didn't even want you. She wanted Ronnie, and she's gotten Ronnie. She loves him, and he loves her" Spencer said, and just as he suspected, John got mad. "No! She loved me! Shes mine, not Ronnie's, mine! She's fucking mine!" He screamed. Then He grinned and said "and it's not loves, its loved. Shes dead. I killed her! I killed her!"

"No, she's not dead" Spencer said, and before anyone could move, John blinding shot at Ryker and Ronnie again, this time grazing her arm and slamming into the dirt.

Spencer took aim quickly and shot at John, hitting Him in the leg.

He was aiming for His head...

The paramedics and police arrived soon after, and Ryker was rushed to the hospital, Ronnie going in the ambulance with her, and Spencer following in the squad car.

They hoped and prayed that she would be okay.


I felt weightless for a while, like I was on a tube floating on top of the surface of a lake, tethered to a dock but slowly tugging farther and farther away.

I did everything I could to get closer, get back to the dock, but I could never get close. I paddled with my hands, kicked my feet, but no matter what I couldn't reach the dock.

Sometimes I would get close, I'd be so close, if I just leaned a little farther, then maybe, maybe I could reach it. But just as my fingers nearly brushed the wood, I would fall in the water and when I got back to the surface I'd be back on the tube, even farther out than before.

It was infuriating.

I just kept getting farther and farther away. I tried to swim my way to the dock, but every-time I got in the water I would be back on the tube, farther out.

What could I do?

Eventually I was so far away that I could hardly see the dock. A fog was rolling in, covering me, making me cold. I started to feel tired, hopeless. And the cold was making everything worse.

I still tried to paddle, but I couldn't even tell where I was or where I was going. For all I know, I could have been paddling away from the dock.

I started feeling even lower, I was getting down. I was sinking into myself. I felt bad, sad and hopeless. I couldn't do this. I was going to lose everyone. I felt the darkness pulling me down.

I was gonna lose everyone.

Tragic Magic (Ronnie Radke Love Story) [Book 2-sequel to The Drug In Me]Where stories live. Discover now