pilot | pt. 1

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I woke up to a loud, obnoxious ringing. I jerked my head over to the alarm, quickly switching it off as I groan loudly. I check my phone, "6 new messages from Dmitri." I didn't even bother to check the messages, so I just get up. Per usual, I go to the bathroom to handle my business. As I washed my hands, I groan loudly while washing my face, staring at the dirty mirror in front of me. There lied the largest zit I've ever seen in the 16 years of me being alive.

"The hell? Oh my god." I gasp, looking closer at the pimple.

Quickly brushing the fact that there's a gigantic zit on my forehead, I start brushing my teeth while looking at the clothes in my closet. I quickly picked the only clean, yet decent clothes out the closet and laid them out on my bed. The house was fairly quiet until there was a loud voice booming from the hallway. "Savannah! Are you up yet? Come help me with breakfast, I gotta do a run. The Witch called me to do her errands for her." The person from the end of the hallway said, sighing at the end of that speech. I sighed, rushing out the room to talk to Mama.

"There you are! I've already made Tommy his breakfast, you just have to make yours, okay?" Mama said, rushing to grabs her keys and purse.

"Are you kidding. How did he not have to make breakfast?.." I muttered quietly under my breath.

I turned to the stove, cleaning the pans Mama used 5 minutes before. I grabbed a bag of Pop Tarts and a bottle of chocolate milk. Sitting down, I laid my food down on the table mat. I took my phone out to look at Dmitris messages. Before I could lay my eyes on the screen, I turned to my younger brother, Tommy who was just staring at me.

"What? Stop staring at me weirdo.." I muttered, a little annoyed. 

"Stop staring at me weirdo.!" Tommy mocked, sarcasm in his tone.

"Stop it! What do you want?" I asked a little louder than normal.

"That pimple looks so gross" Tommy said while laughing.

"Not as gross as your face." Smiling as I mentioned that.

"At least I look normal.." Looking away while smirking.

"Bonehead." I said with a scowl plastered on my face.


"That's my ride, dishes on you" I said, clearly pleased with myself. With a half eaten Pop Tart, barely touched glass of milk and a piece of burnt toast still laying on the plate, I quickly left and rushed to the door.  "I'm telling mom you said that!" Tommy shouted right before the sound of the door slamming filled the air.

I walked up to the red car, opening the passenger door, quickly stepping in and throwing my backpack in the backseats. Looking up at the driver was Dmitri. He seemed, mad? I didn't even do anything, literally just got here. I just sighed and got settled in my seat before asking him.

"You good, Tri?" I questioned while doing an extremely awkward laugh. 

There was a very long and awkward pause after I asked that. Honestly, I was too scared to see if he was looking at me or not, so I decided to open up my phone instead. It quickly opened up to Dmitri's messages. My eyes quickly scanned the 6 old messages, finally realizing what's up with him. 

                                                                           Tri Baddie!!

Tri Baddie!! - Sav, Emily's parents went ghost on her last night.

Tri Baddie!!- I was wondering if you wanted to come over to hers, she's very panicked rn.

Tri Baddie!!- We're at the police station, we're filing a missing persons report rn.

Tri Baddie!!- Can we come over to yours? She could use the company, I gotta get home.

Tri Baddie!!- Are you asleep???

Tri Baddie!!- Respond soon.

I looked over at Dmitri right after I finished reading the brightly lit texts. I'm such an asshole, all of these texts were sent at 5-7 pm. I wouldn't be surprised if he was mad at me, or if he'd kick me out of his car. Or even worse, never talk to me again. I know all of this might seem confusing, but you'll understand later on. 

" I can't believe you, Sav. You really left me on delivered for 12 whole HOURS?? Even worse, you left me on read too! What is up with you Sav??" Dmitri said, fuming.

"Dmitri, I'm sorry, but don't you understand that I could've been busy? I have a life too! Honestly, I'm sorry about what happened with Emily but her parents are probably going to come back." I said with a sigh.

"Okay, Okay!! But you KNOW Emily's paranoid. Its not like that's her problem! How would you feel if your parents just walked out and never came back? That's EXACTLY what's going on in her head at this moment." Dmitri said, slightly raising his voice after every word.

"I don't get why you're so mad. I was busy. She's probably fine now." I said trying to distract myself.

"Are you hearing yourself? Her parents went out of state." Dmitri said while gripping the steering wheel.

"I mean, isn't that normal? Her parents go on business trips all the time." I said looking out the window.

"She said they turned their location off. They ALWAYS leave their location on. It's like an unspoken rule with them." Dmitri said while turning on the blinker.

"Okay I gotta admit, that's kind of fishy."  I said.

"No duh, they didn't even say why they were going on a trip, they just like left." Dmitri said, parking the car in the school parking lot.

"I wonder if she came to school today, should I ask?" I said nervously.

"Yep! Totally." Dmitri said while grabbing the bags.

Honestly, I didn't expect Emily's parents to just leave without an answer. I started walking to the school entrance. I start walking around, looking around to see where Emily is. At this point I'm just trying to look for her, because by the time I find her, the bell rings. I look back at where Emily was, and she was gone? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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