Rose park

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3rd Person

"Ugh! I SAID GET OUT YOU USELESS TV BITCH" Valentino yelled as he pushed vox out of the building into the streets. "Ugh- Just because I got your order wrong, DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO KICK ME OUT! WITHOUT ME YOU WILL NEVER BE NOTHING!" vox said as he got up from the ground and whipping dust off his shirt. "Oh voxy.. I never needed you in the first place, all I needed was to get me on top. It was so fun seeing you fall in love with me even though it was so obvious that I was using you!" val chuckles and goes up to vox getting close to his face and then pushing him to the ground. "You will never be something if you're this soft... Vox" Val continued as he spit on vox face and went back inside and shut the door. Vox wipes his face and gets up again, this time he felt a pain in his arm. He shrugged it off and began to look for a place to stay on his phone. He found a love motel and decided that he would do so and started walking to that place as he held his arm in pain.

As he walked to the motel he came across a rose park, he decided to take a stroll around the park to relax a bit. He saw a small vendor selling baskets to pick roses, only for 4 dollars you could buy a basket. He approached the vendor and bought a basket with the money he had left. He started walking around and picking, in his opinion, the best roses that he has ever seen. "Never thought that i would see you here!" Vox dropped his basket in shock of who was speaking to him. Alastor.. "You seem pretty beat up my fellow enemy hahaha!" Vox Groaned as he went down to pick up the flowers and basket that he dropped because of him. "Look al, I just want a peaceful night.. I had a fight with val and all i want is to not get hurt anymore.. Just leave me alone.." Vox said as he finished picking up his flowers and stood up. "What! I am a man of class! I would never fight in a place where there are women! That's quite disrespectful since this tends to be their favorite place.." alastor said as he picked out a flower and watched it die on his hand. "... riiight... now i wonder why YOU are here.." "Well, I just simply love roses! They remind me of blood!.. They also remind me of how romantic I could be.." Vox saw Alastor get a bit sad but he lit up again and looked at Vox "Well, the question will go back to you! Why are you here instead of getting your arm or screen fixed?" Alastor keeped looking at vox as he pondered for an answer. "Hmmm, well, I just wanted to stop by and relax a bit. Neither the less... I never liked roses but I thought that I should give it a chance..."Vox said as he picked up a rose and looked at it. Alastor looked at Vox in awe, Alastor had never seen the soft side of Vox so he found it cute that he was admiring roses in a soft way. Alastor shook his head to stop thinking of what he was thinking about. "You seem Lonely! Why don't I accompany you, we have never gotten to know each other after all!" What do you mean we had a meeting once.." Vox said, raising an eyebrow. "Doesn't matter!! Hahaha! We could get to know each other more!" alastor said but Vox paused. "How do I know that you won't use this info against me.. How can I trust you" Vox said to alastor. Alastor looked at a rose and picked it out, he put in between Vox antena and hat, "Because this is a safe place, whatever happens in the rose park, stays in the rose park" Alastor says as he starts walking away humming. Vox stands there as he blushes a bit, but he shrugs it off. He starts to follow Alastor, walking next to him looking around at the beautiful roses. Alastor once again looks at Vox in awe, seeing Vox look at the roses makes him feel a certain way. He doesn't know why he feels this way but he just does, he just feels like he should protect him, but no, Alastor once again shakes his head.

"Well! My fellow, what else are you more interested in than that silly tv stuff" alastor strikes up a convo with vox trying to not make it awkward, Vox looks at him and smiles, "well, i really like sketching demons.. Also, I like to enjoy life, go out in the rain and walk on the beach.. Idk things that make me feel human again.." Vox said in a soft tone. Alastor smiled at this fact, "I never knew that, you seem more human than me! Hahaha!" Vox chuckles alongside Alastor, "what about you Al? Anything you like besides theorizing hell and radios?" "well! I really like having a stroll through the town! Listening to music from the streets, saying hi to the ladies, getting food! You can also call me human if you will!" Alastor said in a cheery tone. Vox smiled and then stopped, "Al.." "yes?" "How come you are always smiling? You never frown... how can you do it?" Al stoped on his tracks and looked back to Vox. "well... all i'll say is that you are never fully dressed without a smile! That's what I was thinking! Hmhmm!" Alastor turned around and kept walking, vox confused, started walking with him, catching up with him.

It was quiet until you could hear the clock hit 6:00pm "Oh! It seems like it's getting late! I must go to the hotel! To see how it is!" Alastor said. "Oh- right, i'll have to go off anyway.. I have a reservation in a motel that I have to go to soon.." Vox said looking at his phone. "Hmhm.. well my ride will be meeting me here soon.. Wanna walk me there?" Alastor offered and Vox decided to go with him. They stood quietly on the way to the exit. When they got there, Alastor got on a limo with the princesses of hell, charlie. She waved off vox, and so did alastor. But alastor was diffrient, he winked at vox, "may we meet at the rose park again my Friend!" and with that they went away. Vox now had another view of the radio demon, and smiled at this fact. He decided to start walking to the motel.

"So Al, what are you doing with my boss Boyfriend?" Angel Dust asked Alastor. Alastor settled down and answered, "Well, I saw him take a stroll in the rose park! So I decided to say hi! Ive learned alot from him! But I respect his boundaries so I wont tell." Alastor said, "Oh really is that it? Be Careful, Val and be a huge son of a bitch when it comes to vox, very territorial" Angel said, Alastor Looked at Angel with a sharp look "wha- what are you indicating???! We are only friends, enemies even!" Alastor said as he crossed his arms looking out the window. "Pttf, don't tell me you like the TV guy Al, i know you can do better" Vaggie said chuckling, "WOAH! THE SCANDAL, Vags you are something ELSE!" Angel said as he laughed and vaggie chuckled. Alastor growled a bit and snapped "I DON'T LIKE HIM! Just because we had a small stroll at the rose park, doesn't mean that i like him" Angel jumped on Vaggie, Vaggie dropped him once alastor was done yelling. He took a sigh and looked out the window. "Alrighty! You don't like him! Got it, gang let's make sure not to bother al with that anymore then!"Charlie said to everyone. "We don't need Al to get mad and summon a demon out of nowhere so let's keep it low ok!"Charlie contimed. "Aww but it's so fun!-" Alastor growled again and spooked angel again. "AH- jeez fine ill stop" Vaggie and charlie chuckled and the car stopped. They all got out of the car and went into the hotel. Alastor excused himself and went to his room.

As he shut his door and he lays on his bed, he thinks for a while and remembers back ro Vox in the rose park. How he has a fuzzy feeling seeing him all happy and all. He rose up and put his hands in his face. "Why do I feel like this... why so sudden.. Why this... why now?" he said to himself. "It's just me, let me just go to bed.. And this will go away..." he said as he took off his coat and went to sleep.

I Love To hate you / Alastor x VoxWhere stories live. Discover now