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Warning: This chapter includes mentions of suicide. Please read at your own discretion.

"Enlighten me my dear, why am I still here?"

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"Enlighten me my dear, why am I still here?"

The misery continued on. I had been home for a week now and hadn't been to work not once. It hadn't felt like a week it felt more like a month. I was starting to run out of money from spending it all on drugs. I hadn't eaten in quite some time either and my weight had dropped.

I get my stuff from Angelo but of course he still makes me pay he only just makes me pay a little less but eventually it started to add up and the numbers in my bank account got lower and lower.

It was around 2am I had sent Angelo a text and let him know I was waiting outside. I had my hoodie on with my arms folded trying to keep myself warm from the cold nights wind. The door opens and he lets me in and I follow him to the living room.

We sit on the couch and I look at the table where all the drugs are spread out. I pick up a rolled dollar bill and do a few lines but not too fast and give it time to settle in.

He then opens a bag and hands me two pills. "What is it?" It was a small white oval shaped pill but had no name or number printed into it. "Vicodin. It's a downer it'll make you feel good. So you won't be so hyped up on the coke."

I take the two pills and wash them down with a drink and gave it about 5 minutes and I immediately felt a reaction. Everything slowed down and doubled and soon I couldn't keep myself from slumping over in Angelo's lap.

"See there I told you, feels good huh?" I softly hum in response with my head in his lap feeling him play with my hair. I couldn't keep my eyes open but I could still hear most of what was going on around me but it was almost like my hearing was a bit staticky.

I could here Angelo speak and I tried my best to make out what he was saying. " I got you back right where I want you. I'm not going to let you go again." He lets out a soft laugh and gets off the couch leaving me there.

"I'll be back get some rest." That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out on his couch.


The arguing with my dad never seems to end. Wether it be over little shit or him just instigating every time we laid eyes on each other an argument erupted.

Todays argument consisted of him accusing me of stealing one of his beers. I don't even like beer so what use was it for me to steal it. "You get so drunk that you don't even realize you drank the beer yourself. I didn't touch your shit."

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