Chapter 1 - A lying Witch and a Warden

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Y/n was fork deep in his pasta bowl and watching his shows, had to take his mind off the chain of disasters that started his morning off. He watched as the two characters dance dreamily, steadily absorbed in there passion for each other. The moment spoiled when Y/n tosses a pillow at the screen and fake gags.

Y/N: Lies! Slander! These are nothing more then cheap illusions to make susceptible minds think that this. THIS. is the ideal form of romance but let me ask you when was the last time anyone ballroom danced under the moonlight... It's all Tik Tok and Fortnite girlfriends these days...

Y/n slouched on the couch and continued eating away at his pasta, then he heard a car come to quick halt outside. He peered through the window and saw Camila talking to Luz as the two moved towards the house, Camila looking concerned and disappointed while Luz looked dejected. 

Y/N: Sounds like the snake did not go over well with her teacher... Your partially responsible Y/n, so you should offer any help... help equivalent to your guilt... which is very little...

Y/n rolls off the couch and onto the floor as he prepares to face his responsibilities.

Outside he approaches a fence with an awkward, uncomfortable smile.

Y/N: Heeeeyy Camila... You and Luz are home early, is she feeling unwell?

Camila: Dios, dame fuerzas. (God, give me strength) It's complicated but it's outta my hands at this point.

Y/N: That's foreboding... 

Camila: Look at this and tell me how foreboding everything feels.

Camila pulls out a bundle of fireworks held together with shoelaces and gum.

Y/N: What in the rings of power is that for?!

Camila: The act three closer of her book report... I'm scared her fantasy world is holding her back from having a real life, real friends... So the school recommended a summer camp for troubled kids like Luz...

Y/N: Troubled?

Camila hands him a flyer advertising a summer camp that supports "Thinking inside the box" he creases his eyebrow in disbelief.

Camila: Not like the kids who smoke and vandalize, those are "problematic" students apparently to the school standard, Luz has problems understanding social norms and acceptable public boundaries-

Y/N: So they think sending these alternative thinkers to some conformist camps is the answer? 

Camila: I'm sorry?

Y/N: We find these kids who think differently or view the world in a strange scope and someone thinks they need to be medicated, sent off to some 'normal' people school, what even is the definition of normal nowadays?

Camila: Now who said anything about medication, she's going to summer camp for a few months to learn some skills to use in real life like balancing check books and filing taxes.

Y/N: Months? Months of fancy brainwashing and sipping Kool-Aid; however, the taxes part I approve of-

Camila: It's not a cult Y/n. She's young and needs guidance, I can't be around enough to help her see the importance of self control. Am I supposed to just let my daughter grow into some weirdo who spends her days watching anime and creating colorful stories, what kinda life is that?

Y/N: At least an honest life not living her life to make everyone else happy, that's what I'd want for my kids-

Camila: Well you don't have any kids so you wouldn't get it Y/n but I do have a child, my greatest treasure in life and I gotta do my best to give her the best. As her mother, I say this is for the best.

The Witch, The Author, and The Collector. (LilithxReader)Where stories live. Discover now