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Name in Enderman: ⋔⍜⍜⋏
Pronouns: He/They/It
Age: Unknown(Don't have one)Gender: Male
Species: Animatronic
System Role: Protector & CaregiverSignle or Taken: Taken
Height: 9'5
Birthday: Unknown(Don't have one)
Likes: Being in the dark, caring for the age regessors and little
Dislikes: Asshole in the dungon, rude people, the annoying murder
Favorite Colour: Dark blue
Favorite Food: No idea
Food Dislikes: Burnt anything
Favorite Drink: Green apple energy drinksFavorite Animal: Owl
Nickname(s): Moon, Moony, Nightmare, Night
Friend(s): Sun, Eclipse, Zero, Little, Asher, Teddy, Leo
Sexuality: Gay
Disorder/Illness: Depression, Anxitey & BPD
Phobias: Losing the people I love

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