Chapter 1

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You wasn't really a 'thug' in the underground.

You stole every once in a while, but you never did any serious crimes.

That's until you started to owe money and stole 3dmg from the police.

It took ages to learn how to use it, but it started to get easer and easer.

Soon you was flying all over the place, you knew every ally and every place in the stupid underground like the back of your hand.

The military police was never fast enough to catch you, or they was just too drunk.

You didn't have a family or a place to live, you never talk to anyone so you was pretty much alone.

You had found a place to live, in a attic of a old house it was pretty clean and you had a torn blanket and used potato sacks as a pillow.

There was only little light coming from the smashed window.

But even know you had no friends, no family, and you was pretty much alone.

You had a huge interest in books and you taught yourself how to read.

But your favourite was a book all about the outside world.

There was waters made of salt, lands full sand and so much more.

You dreamed about the outside world almost every night, but you knew you would be stuck in the underground for the rest of your life.

And at this moment of time you was being chased by the police for stealing some bread from a stall.

"COME BACK HERE!" One called out.

But you used your gear and flew away.

They didn't even attempt to catch you, which you was happy about.

You flew down multiple ally ways until you arrived at your 'home'.

You squeezed through the broken window, trying your best not to cut yourself.

You took your gear off and placed it neatly against the wall, you took your boots off and walked to your 'bed'.

You sat on the blanket and ate your bread.

You sigh
"One day il go to the outside world" you whispered to yourself as you took another bite.

After you finished your bread you found yourself very tired, you placed your head down and crawled under the blanket and soon fell asleep.


You woke up like every other day.

You back hurt from sleeping on the floor, but after a few stretches you felt better.

You cleaned up a little making sure that there was not a speck of dust in sight.

You didn't bother attempting to tame your hair, you put your gear on and squeezed through the broken glass.

You used your gear and flew towards the stalls.

Once you arrived, you didn't waste a second you gained speed and flew right next to a stall, grabbing a piece of bread and flying off again.

"Curse you!" You heard the stall keeper scream.

You smirk as you flew off, once you thought the cost was clear you sat on a crate and took tiny pieces out your roll.

In the corner of your eye you saw a little girl eyeing your bread.

You looked at her and sighed you walked towards her and kneeled down

"Here you can have it" you said giving the girl the roll.

She took the bread and looked at you with disbelief.

"Thank you" she said with a huge smile on her face she then ran.

You felt good inside.

You wasn't hungry anyway, you didn't want to waste gas so you walked.

You really didn't know where to go, so you just walked around the 'town'.

You kept your eyes open for anyone in uniform.

But you had a feeling that you was being watched, but you shook it off.



This is my second
Levi x reader

Because we all love Levi

But thanks sososososososososo much for reading

Till next time

*hands cookie*


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