33| Escapades and Grenades.

175 6 11

Will edit it momentarily.

I hold onto the phone reading the message over and over again.

That bitch was in this mansion.

I had no access to technology, nor could I hatch up a floor plan.

Yet I knew one thing. There were secret passageways in and out of the mansion. I also know that Eric and I have to fix up our clothes and arm ourselves if we wanted to get out of here.

It's only a matter of time before she finds his body. I did score a katana from Eric that we used to make s'mores.

From what I knew from memory this home was old, it had two ways to go in and out of. One way was underground, if I'm guessing right that's why she would be.

She would get others to do dirty work instead of her. That's Vladimir's thing too, he just kills for fun.

The weapon room would hidden somewhere or at least in a closet.

I take the katana behind my back, Eric takes two guns on the side of me. "You're not gonna take a gun?"

I shake my head, "I actually hate guns, I prefer katanas, sai's, and my bow." I tell him as we make our way out after stealing more clothes from the dead.

My body was cold even after starting a fire. We both sported leather jackets on top of our stealth suits after I found a sewing kit.

We allowed the fire in the bathroom to continue becuase that would've been our que. Our que to know how much time we had left here.

We slowly make our way into the hall. It was still empty, but it was the middle level all the action would be at the top, but so would the weapons.

We only had about forty minutes getting our shit together.

I try to listen for footsteps, ag least feel them. There was some, but it was at the same levelwe were,. We needed a few more weapons to actually be okay,

I pull Eric into a random room in the hall as I heard the footsteps get even closer. I cover his mouth looking through the peephole seeing one of the ARES kids looking around the place in their signature black and red suit.

"They're looking for us, we have to be extremely quiet and vigilant,"I whisper to Eric, seeing more of them in the hallway with rifles.

One of them pass by the closet leaning in closer to the door. I muffle my breathing slowing down my heart like Giovanni showed me years ago.

They can hear the fear.

Though I could mop their army, I wasn't up to full strength yet. I was exhausted, I needed that rush of adrenaline.

I was worried about throwing Eric into this situation. I can't exactly set him loose. Especially after he made his first kills he's bound to emotionally act out or something.

He looks out of it and numb as if he finally understood when I would tell him about hellhouse.

You become a different person to survive. Your instincts take over, your morals out the window, there's nothing but you and survival. Control is only an illusion of the human ego, we aren't in control when our primal instincts kick in.

I listen closely to the door as Eric holds onto me tighter, a sign he was here. The weight from the door leaves, Eric and i still in silence for a seconds, waiting in case.

He reaches for the door with his hand nearly touching the doorknob. I push his hand back putting my other hand over his mouth, "this could be a trap, this what we were trained to do."

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now