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Trevor's pov:

"Well Trevor I am glad to be working with you,Welcome to WWE History"

Vince told me this as he shook my hand with a firm grip.I must tell you that was the most longest meeting I ever been in my life ...

As I let go of Vinces hand I grab my duffel bag ready to leave but before I could he grabbed my shoulder I flinched,but just hope he didn't notice but I was glad when he didn't

He looks at me with a smile before saying " I'm gonna show you to your locker room and introduce you to some wrestlers if that's all right with you just you don't feel alone in this place " As he says this he opens his office door and we started are way towards the locker rooms ....

We both stop infront of a hall and I notice that there are only two doors that are across from eachother,I don't think anything,of it as we walk down the hall towards the doors and I look and see that the color scheme on the Door across from the one thats supposed to be mine,was dark purple and black with the name "THE JUDGEMENT DAY " on it

As Vince opened my door he told me to get settled in and that he would be back with,some people so that we can get acquainted with eachother

So while he did that I started getting out my stuff which consisted of my wrestling gear,Which was Black cloak,black ripped t shirt,black jeans,and jordans and my ghostface mask,

As I got everything done I heard a cough I turn around and I see three guys and a girl in dark purple makeup

I nod at them before I go to the lockers and grab a towel and my gear, I turn to look at them one more time before I go to ask them a question...

" So what do I owe the pleasure in you coming into my locker room " I say snickering

" Hey mate you betta watch yourself were only in here to introduce ourselves becuase Vince wanted us to get acquainted with u becuase your across us in the hall" the lady says I just nod at her to continue

" im rhea bloody ripley new wemans smackdown champion so don't wear it out got that?Any way this here is dom dom,damian and Finn and where the judgement day and you will rise to us " she said with a smirk thinking that she could get to me

But I looked at her and I leaned over there group and said " Your little group doesn't scare me but let me warn you right now your lil group will suffer if u mess with me ok got that but anyway I'm Trevor now I would really love to be alone and shower becuase your making my room smell of your sorrow " I said as I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom not even looking back as I heard the door close I breathed a breath in ....

I grab my necklace and look in the mirror my eyes glowing red and I growl in annoyance they will pay for trying to make me submit to them ....

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