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[Before they meet Trevor]

No one's pov:
As the judgement day were waiting in there locker room and just hanging out they here a knock on there door dom was the closest to the door, he opened it and was face to face with the one and only Vince McMahon.

He opened the door fully,and moved out the way so Vince could fully come in, Vince walked passed him and into the middle of the room.

" Hello judgment day it's wonderful to see you,I have some news" he said looking at judgment day with pride

" ok what's the so called good news " Finn said standing up

" There has been a new addition added to the WWE universe, he's name is Ghostface, and has been moved across the vacant room across from yours,so I thought it be good to get to know eachother " Vince to the judgment day with hope that would come to terms with it

" all right well meet the boy,let's just hope he understands that we run this joint " dominik said hopping in the question

" Well that's fantastic news, he's getting settled in at the moment but I have to get going,just don't give the poor kid a heartattack " Vince finally said to the group before he left to gather papers from his office wishing them a good bye

The judgement day grab there stuff before making there way to the room across,damian opened the door and they walked in quietly and was face to face with a guy's back as he was rummaging through a bad in the locker damian decided to cough to get the guys attention.

Rheas pov :

When Vince told us about meeting the new kid I was Mad I didn't want to meet the kid of the guy that we murdered the night of wrestlemania 3 years ago. But I could tell Finn wanted to so it could give us a nudge in the direction of his past.

So this is where we are now,us face to face with the boy he looked like he didn't care to be here to introduce himself with the remark he gave

"Well what do I owe the pleasure of you coming into my locker room"

While smirking I was losing my patience so I got in his face and said.

"Hey mate you betta watch yourself were only in here to introduce ourselves becuase Vince wanted us to get acquainted with u becuase your across us in the hall" I said to him to see some kind of fear

But he didn't show anything so I just continued "im rhea bloody ripley new wemans smackdown champion so don't wear it out got that?Any way this here is dom dom,damian and Finn and where the judgement day and you will rise to us "

I said pointing to different sides of my body,before getting way into his face that dom had to pull me back.

Then he decided he had enough balls to get in my bloody face and say"Your little group doesn't scare me but let me warn you right now your lil group will suffer if u mess with me ok got that but anyway I'm Trevor now I would really love to be alone and shower becuase your making my room smell of your sorrow"

After that he grab a towel and left
To the bathroom and so we made it seem like we left and closed the door so he thought,we left and we just sat around to see what he would do but something unexpected happened.

We heard a deep growl and glass breaking but before anything else happened I dropped to the floor in pain and so did the rest of the gang but softly, not to make any noise.

" Please rhe don't tell me you didn't do what I think you did" damien said In fear

I looked at the group and sighed nodding " I imprinted on him "
I said

But when we left the room it dawn on me that I just imprinted on the kid that we murdered 3 years ago and ,I find it so much scary that he will kill each and everyone of us if he finds out what we are.

[ time skip after the left ]
No one's pov :

What none off the judgement day realized that,Trevor new they were still there and knows about the imprint but he left it alone...

As the both groups were getting ready for tonight of Monday night raw and Trevor's opening they couldn't help but feel scared/envious of the imprint they just hope they no one finds out each of there secrets.

[ author ]

Hey mates
Hope you enjoyed another chapter of hunted and let me know what you think on how Trevor will take the imprint and opening of his job..
And how the judgement day will handle having a mate of the person they murdered..........

Goodbye luv yall

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