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Trevor's pov:

I look in the mirror and punch it sliding down the wall as I just realized I imprinted on all of them...

I get up after a couple minutes and put on my wrestling gear.

As a stage and comes up to me and tells me that there ready for me on the stage....I look in the mirror one last time and nod, I walk out of the locker room making my way to the main stage as I here my competition
Talking smack about how I'm a Dweeb.. then before you know it I here the lights in the stadium shut of and smoke goes out as the lights turn dark red.... and this song start playing....

I stand in the middle crouched down
And jump and see that my name is on the screen flickering with fake blood splattered on it, as the screen flickered on and off, before finally the lights turn back on and I make my way to the ring, and I see that the judgement day are the ones in the ring just great....

As I walk down I keep my stare on them like there my prey ...before you know it I make my way to the ring and get in and go in my corner as the music finally stops. And where just staring at each other

I get handed a Mic
" hey hold on a second I just didn't here yall talking smack about me" I say going IN front of Damián and bark at him teasingly as he falls on his butt just like Dominik

I couldn't help but stare laughing at him before I seen Dominik grow a pair and stood face to face with Me before he said....

" oi mister don't think for a second you can talk like that to Damien without having to get through me" Dominik says with a glare thinking he could size me up 

I just looked Dominik and ran at him head first head budding him, making him fall to the floor and I start punching him left and right taking my right foot a brutally hitting him over the back I don't know what happened to me but as soon as I seen Dominik on the floor gasping in pain clutching his side something in me snapped  and I realized I was sent into a flashback of me becoming my father.

[ Flashback begins ] 

I looked up and realized I was the only one in the ring and everyone was gone, I heard whimpering on from behind me and turned around only to be  met with five year old me IN front of my face crouching in the corner of the house in the Livingroom  As I tried to touch younger me I heard a yell in the distance "YOU BRAT GET BACK HERE BEFORE I COME A FIND U RIGHT ON THE SPOT,YOU CANT HIDE FROM DEAR OLD DADDY BOY" We both turned around and as I  seen my dad running towards us in full speed...

I see my younger self sprint up the stairs but as I try to catch him he just goes through me just as I turn around I see my dad run through me up the stairs. I hear a loud bang and the house is brought to chills when a ear high pitched  scream erupts from the top of the stairs.. I  cover my ears but later on hear " I SWEAR I WONT DO IT AGAIN" before everything goes silent 

I decide to walk up the stairs and I  see the bathroom door open on the left and I walk towards it when something inside me tells me not too, but I decide against it and was face to face with a gruesome sight my dad sitting my the tub with younger me in the bathtub covered in blood 3 scars gushing blood down my back as I  sit with my knees to my chest crying in pain.'

All of a sudden I  feel myself being pulled in to a dark hole then I wake up from this horrid nightmare 

[ Flashback ends ]

No One pov:

As everyone hears ghost face aka Trevor go up to Dominik they see his face pale like he has  seen a ghost, as Damien goes to discreetly go to ask him if he is  ok without breaking script all of a sudden Damien sees Trevor go limp in the middle of the ring and start seizing. all of sudden Damien hears rhea from behind him call out to EMT, the group later sees the doctors come out with a stretcher and as they get in the ring they put him on it making sure he is secure before they role him to the back... 

As this happens the ring lights cut on and Vince McMahon  comes in the middle of the ring with the rest of the group with a mic and announces" Due to the series of unfouturante events we would like to postpone the judgment days match with ghostface until we know for sure of his cudtion and until further notice this is the end of Monday night raw goodnight and we will update once we know how he is "
After Vince says this the Judgement day make there way to the hospital room in the arena and see Trevor laying on his back with a hospital gown on

Rhea looks at dom and back at Trevor " what do you think happened for him to seize this bad " she ask in concern

Everyone shrugged becuase to be honest they all didn't know

As the group was talking and trying to make time go by they all seen Trevor start to twitch

They go a grab his hand to try and calm him down but they all see sweat start to collect on his face and so rhea starts whispering words in his ear..

Damien goes and grabs a ring from his pocket and puts it on Trevor's ring finger and before you know it he wakes up and looks at them surprised

Dom looks and ask him why he seized and Trevor looks at all of them and gasp and says

" im becoming my father "

[ author note ]

Hey mates
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I hope you enjoy this chapter and feel free to comment
I personally have dealt with verbal abuse just so know that you are loved by me

Bye my darlings

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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