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The following day Rowella went to the pond at the usual time, bringing along the book. Soon she was joined by Cathal, "Miss Everdene", he greeted her.

Got down of the horse, Cathal gave her two freshly picked calla lilies, Rowella smiled and signed to say "thank you".

Then Cathal wanted to sit down on the grass. Rowella wrote something on the book and showed it to him: "It is true, I was observing you that day", Cathal said: "And did you enjoy observing me?", Rowella blushed and looked down, Cathal held her chin and gave her a kiss, but she, taken by surprise, quickly drew back.

She stood up nervous, "What's wrong?", Cathal asked, Rowella frantically wrote something on the book, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to embarrass you", he said, Rowella showed him the book: "Ask the permission to my father first", Cathal was surprised, but she didn't give him time to answer and walked away hastily, "Wait", he said, but Rowella did not stop.

Cathal was drawn to her singular character, but he was surprised she asked him to speak to her father just to kiss her.

Rowella had a whirlwind of thoughts running in her head... it was the first time she had kissed a boy and the whole day she was taken by those thoughts.

She wondered if Cathal was going to speak to her father... perhaps had she been too hasty by asking that? Why would Cathal have spoke to her father, since they barely have known each other? Had her request unease him?

Rowella feared to have given a wrong impression of herself, but she had formulated that sentence instinctively.

In the evening Lucasta spoke to her before going to sleep, "Why don't you say what's the matter with you in these days? You have your head in the clouds all the time", she commented, Rowella made her signs: "Nothing. I am just focused on a new tale I am writing",

"Ain't you going to say you are so far away just because of a tale?",

"It's just sometimes I wonder why I have to be different from all of you",

"Everyone is in its own way. You have talents we do not have",

"But I won't be able to have a life as your own",

"Who say that? The question is if you truly wish a life as our own", the answer left Rowella confused, in that moment she didn't understand what she meant.

The following day Rowella received a letter from one of the publishers in town, telling her one of her books had been accepted for publication.

Joyful, Rowella celebrated the news with her sisters. It was the first thing she had been successful in.

Mr. and Mrs. Everdene too were pleased with the news.

In the afternoon she went to the pond, intending to assure Cathal of her interest on him.

She found him there waiting for her, "Rowella, I hoped you'd come", he said, she didn't mention her previous request and turned the conversation on other matters.

She wrote something on the book, "Yesterday I was bold, I never thought it would've embarrassed you", Cathal added, Rowella showed him the book:

"A publisher intends to publish one of my books",

"Glad to hear that. It is a good achievement", then he asked: "What kind of story is it?", Rowella wrote in the book: "Illustrated tales for children",

"It's nice",

"I would like to draw a portrait of you. You would be a good subject", Rowella wrote, Cathal smiled and said: "Would you like to see more? More than what you have seen that day, when we first spoke?", Cathal took off his jacket, Rowella was confused, "...You were observing at me, so I guess you are eager to see more", he added, "You can draw me if you wish", he began to unbutton his shirt, Rowella tried to make gestures to tell him not to do it, but he said to her: "I do it with pleasure", then he added: "About the conversation other day, I am going to speak to your father if you ask me to", Rowella didn't expected to hear that and she was relieved.

Cathal took off his shirt, Rowella, embarrassed, covered her eyes with the hands, he said to her, as he took off his breeches: "There is nothing wrong with watching", she shook her head and she could not hide a smile of amusement.

When Cathal had removed his breeches, he said: "Just look", but she kept her eyes covered, "Open your eyes just for a moment", Cathal said taking off the last clothing, Rowella, in a mix of embarrassment and amusement, took the audacity and lowed the hands, but as soon as she saw him as nature had made him, she blushed and covered her eyes again, then she let out a mourning that sounded like a "No!".

She gotten stunned... she stood up and she ran away, "Wait, stay", Cathal said as he got dressed, but she kept running.

Back home, Rowella could not believe what had just happened... she had not made any sound since she was a child.

Agitated, she stood before the mirror and tried to repeat the sound: a "shapeless" moan came out of her mouth, but hearing the sound of her own voice was a strange effect to her.

That day there had been too many emotions at once!

Rowella laid down on the bed and fell asleep. She didn't want to have the dinner that evening and she fell asleep again, sleeping soundly until morning.

Danford Abbey- Vol. 3 and 4: Rowella and Lucasta (Éireann)Where stories live. Discover now