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When she and Mr. Everdene returned to Danford Abbey they informed the others about the good news and later Rowella sent a missive to Cathal sharing the happenings.

The following day Cathal visited her to give the congratulations; he was received by her and Amelia Everdene.

During his visit Rowella entertained him by playing the piano. Then Rowella asked of her mother the permission to walk with him in the garden.

During the stroll Cathal said to her: "I am truly pleased that your talent has been valued", Rowella tried to speak, although she still struggled to put the words together, "My note... the other day", she said, they stopped, "I understand your concerns. And I assure you I am not going to take it lightly", Cathal said, "Moreover, I'll certainly support your career", Rowella smiled, Cathal kissed her.

He seemed to be an understanding man and Rowella knew she had to try hard to improve her character.

She was improving her speaking, although she was struggling to express herself and she habitually accompanied her words with the signs.

During those days she also started working on a new book.

When Amelia Everdene left for Kerry to offer her help to Gwyneth with the childbirth, the Everdenes were preparing to leave in short time to join them.

Two weeks later they received the news of Gwyneth's son birth and the Everdenes left for Kerry, (excepted Fiona, who preferred to visit her sister later, along with Nathan).

Gwyneth was unbeliever hearing Rowella speaking, another reason of joy for her.

With the closeness of her sister and her little nephew, Rowella had the chance to see how a family woman life was like and she couldn't help wondering if she was inclined to that kind of life.

Lucasta didn't miss to inform Gwyneth about the recent news, "You know, Rowella has a suitor. He has come to asked of our father the permission to court her", she told her, Gwyneth, surprised, said: "That's a good news. I am glad to hear that. Tell me everything. What is he like?", Lucasta commented: "Very beautiful, indeed", Gwyneth asked: "What is his name?", Rowella replied: "Cathal",

"And do you want to marry him?",

"I think so",

"It's the first time that I see you interested in someone. He must be a very interesting gentleman",

"He is", Rowella said.

In the days they stayed there Rowella felt comfortable, Kerry's scenery was enchanting and it gave her inspiration for new paintings.

When she wasn't with her sisters she went to see the landscapes and she stayed sitting to portray the view of the countryside.

The Blakes were very kind people and friendly to them and even Mr. Everdene was getting along with Mr. and Mrs. Blake.

Rowella did not miss to write to Cathal.

In one of the letters she wrote:

"Dear friend Cathal,

I hope my letter finds you well. You are always in my thoughts.

I am gladden to see my sister again and Kerry County is charming and it inspires me.

It pleases me to see my family reunited and peaceful again.

I portrayed some painting of Kerry's countryside that suit for my new book, it inspired me a new tale to tell. And I believe the children would enjoy it.

Waiting to see you again,

I give you my fondly regards.

Rowella Everdene".

Cathal replied to the letter:

"Dear friend Do Ghrasta* [1] Rowella,

it has pleased me hearing from you and learning about your family.

In those days the thought of you are the only that give me some peace. The news of the civil war are getting concerning.

I am thinking of enlisting, but I do not want to be far away from you.

Things are changing so fast.

The Catholics of this Country, what should they do? Divided between the faith and the love for the Country.

The peace is no longer possible in this Country.

And me, I gave my word to your father to take care of you in case of marriage. But I could I be aside of all this while my compatriots are dying?

I do not intend to upset you with this letter, just expressing my doubts to the woman I wish to be my wife one day.

May the Lord be with you.

Your loving friend Cathal".

Rowella, concerned by his words, replied to the letter:

"My dear friend Cathal,

I am concerned about your letter. I understand your doubts and your sense of duty for our Country.

As you stated in your letter, things are changing fast, as well as the Society.

Things that once dismayed people now no longer do, but dismay the opposite, Society changes everywhere the wind blows.

You rightly say in your letter: what should the Catholics do?

I cannot and I don't want to tell you what to do, only to follow your own conscience.

Whatever you'll decide to do I will stay by your side.

Your devoted friend,

Rowella Everdene".

Rowella then received the reply letter by Cathal:

"My dear friend Do Ghrasta Rowella,

I was pleased to receive you reply and that you shared your thoughts with me.

Your statement is correct and I share it, Society and the whole world are merely a "stage play". It's ethics is variable and deceived by egocentrism, hedonism and greedy.

And as a christian I mean not to be just a "comedian". I know I have to be firm in what I was taught.

However, regarding the civil war, I cannot turn my back to my compatriots and friends, nor to my Country.

I thank you for staying by my side, it is important to me. It shows your correctness and decency.

Wishing to meet you again,

your devoted friend, Cathal".

Rowella was concerned about Cathal's decision, but she knew she had to

respect his choices, as Gwyneth had done with Sebastian.

*[1] Do Ghrasta: Your Grace.

Danford Abbey- Vol. 3 and 4: Rowella and Lucasta (Éireann)Where stories live. Discover now