Chapter 2

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Junction City was no mecca. In fact, it had about as much going for it as Lebanon, but at least it had a mall and a decent record store. Before they made a start on buying groceries for the Christmas party, Dean decided to make a quick stop at Smooth Operators Vintage Records. He practically dragged Cas inside, almost giddy with excitement at the opportunity to introduce Cas's virgin ears to some great music.

"Okay, you go down that aisle and pick out any records that catch your eye," Dean instructed. "I'll go down this one and pick out some things I think—hell, I know —that you'll like."

"Then what?" asked Cas, his wide eyes taking in the store's colorful interior.

"Meet me in the back of the store beside the listening booth," said Dean. "Go on, now. Don't be shy!"

Cas looked like a lost pup as he wandered down the aisle where the Hip-Hop and Reggae records were kept while Dean made a beeline for the Rock and Pop section. It took him no time at all to have his arms full of what he considered to be 'the greats' and was halfway towards the listening booth before he realized that he'd forgotten to include Kansas. He hurried back to grab a couple of their albums before waddling towards the rear of the store where Cas stood waiting patiently for him with a small collection of vinyls in his hands.

"You didn't pick out much," Dean pointed out, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"I didn't know what was considered good music."

"Don't worry about it, I got you covered." Dean beckoned to Cas to follow him inside the listening booth. They struggled to stand shoulder to shoulder in the cramped booth, which was about the size of a payphone booth. Dean plonked the pile of records on the space next to the turntable. "Okay, I've got a wide selection of bands for you to check out: Van Halen, Metallica, AC/DC...oh, and I threw in some Blue Öyster Cult for good measure. What d'ya wanna start with?"

Cas ran his long index finger down the LP's spines and picked one at random. "This one."

"The Razor's Edge!" said Dean happily, sliding the record from its sleeve and placing it carefully onto the turntable. "An excellent choice."

The record spun and crackled for a few moments before an accompaniment of drum snares and rhythm guitar exploded from the speakers. Cas watched the record spin with unblinking eyes.

"What now?" he asked.

Dean suppressed the urge to roll his eyes again. "We listen."

"I am listening."

"No, really listen," Dean stressed. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath and just...take it in. Let the music wash over you."

Cas gave Dean a skeptical look but did as he was instructed, letting out a long sigh and closing his eyes. As the drums, bass and rhythm guitar began to play in unison, Dean started to bob his head and tap his hands on the walls of the booth in time with the music. When he began to sing along, he opened his eyes to find Cas watching him with a bemused expression. Dean's smile faltered and he stopped dancing.

"I guess it's not to everyone's taste," he mumbled sheepishly before quickly swapping the vinyl out for another one.

"The music was loud but not unpleasant," Cas offered but Dean shook his head.

"You're not an AC/DC fan and that's okay. We'll find something that you do like."

"How will I know if I like it?"

"I'll just know. You'll feel it."

"Feel what?"

"Depends on the music," Dean shrugged. "Sometimes music makes you feel happy, other times it makes you sad. And if you're horny, you just put on 'Cherry Pie' to set the mood, y'know?"

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