Chapter 5

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After downing several shots of straight bourbon, the rest of the party passed in a pleasant blur for Dean. He wasn't the only one to hit the liquor hard that night: somehow, Garth lost his shirt, Sam started singing Mariah Carey's 'Fantasy' to a bemused Jodie, and at one point, Dean thought that he saw Charlie and Becky sneak off together. One thing that was for certain, Dean wasn't going to be the only one waking up with a stinking hangover in the morning. Cas, however, had been conspicuously absent from the party since the gift exchange. Dean did his best not to think too much about it, instead focusing on keeping his buzz going for as long as possible, but he kept subconsciously scanning the room for Cas, hoping that his best friend would eventually come back.

He didn't.

Just as it seemed like the party was beginning to wind down, Sam announced in a very loud, drunken voice that they should all go out clubbing. Despite everyone else whooping in agreement, Dean had to gently remind his brother that they were at least a two-hour drive from the nearest city in any direction, and that nobody was in a fit state to drive anywhere. Sam relented and declared that the party was instead moving to his bedroom, and their drunken troupe of friends followed suit, forming an impromptu conga line as they exited the control room.

Dean, however, was all partied out and retreated to his bedroom for some peace and quiet, although not before retrieving his presents from beneath the Christmas tree. He put on David Bowie's 'Diamond Dogs' album before sitting on the edge of his bed and admiring the pistol that Sam had bought him. It would definitely come in handy when they were hunting bigger monsters, and Dean would look like a total badass drawing it from its holster. He pictured himself as a gunslinger in the Old West, spinning the pistol around his trigger finger before taking aim and shooting some faceless bandit.

"Awesome," he muttered to himself.

Sober Dean would probably have removed the bullets from the barrel of the gun before doing what he did next. Drunk Dean, on the other hand, had a total disregard for basic weapon safety, and attempted to spin the pistol around his trigger finger, only managing to spin it halfway before dropping it.

"Oh shi—"


Dean dropped to the floor and instinctively covered his head with his hands as the gun clattered onto the ground and fired a single round. The bullet pinged as it ricocheted off of the ceiling before striking the record player, causing it to explode. Shards of plastic and metal flew in all directions and Bowie's soulful singing came to an abrupt end.

Dean lay perfectly still for a while, eyes clamped shut and holding his breath as though doing so would provide some sort of protection from the projectile. Eventually, he opened his eyes and checked himself for any injuries. Although his ears were still ringing, by some miracle, he appeared to be unharmed. He let out a shaky sigh of relief and gingerly climbed back to his feet. That was enough gun spinning for one night.

He hobbled over to the record player to assess the damage, although there wasn't much left to assess. He doubted even Cas with his angel magic could repair it. Dean snarled with frustration and kicked some of the debris strewn across the bedroom floor.

"Son of a bitch!"


Sam's panicked voice echoed through the corridor and the sound of several people running in the direction of Dean's bedroom grew louder with each footfall. Moments later, Sam had kicked open the door to Dean's bedroom, breaking the lock and stormed inside with his gun drawn. He was closely followed by Jodie, Garth and Charlie who piled in after him, each with their own weapons drawn. Becky and Kevin took up the rear, brandishing a kitchen knife and a broomstick respectively.

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