Chapter 3

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As soon as Dean and Cas returned home, they set to work decorating the bunker while Sam went out to chop down a fir tree for them to place their presents under. It was one of the many unforeseen benefits of living in an underground bunker; nestled into a hillside beneath an abandoned power plant, one thing that they were not short of in the wilderness was trees.

Dean hummed 'Blue Christmas' to himself while he hung garlands of fake holly and cheap tinsel around the command center. Meanwhile, Cas pinned several foil chandeliers and star decorations onto the ceiling. This required several trips up and down a rickety ladder, and Dean watched with mounting concern as the ladder shook unsteadily under Cas's feet.

"You need a hand over there, buddy?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Cas grunted, struggling to untangle a particularly garish piece of gold and green tinsel.

"You know, you'd make the job a hell of a lot easier for yourself if you took off that coat of yours," Dean pointed out.

Cas paused what he was doing and considered Dean's advice for a moment before tossing the troublesome tinsel aside. Climbing down the ladder, he slid off his trenchcoat and threw it over the back of a nearby chair. As he made to climb up the ladder again he hesitated, took a step back and removed his crumpled blue tie and rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows.

"Better?" asked Dean.


Cas snatched up the discarded tinsel and set back to work. He had to balance on his tiptoes to pin the decorations onto the ceiling and the ladder shook unsteadily beneath him as he did so. Dean dropped what he was doing and hurried over to his friend's side, steadying the ladder for him with both hands

"I don't need your help, Dean," Cas protested.

"I was done decorating that corner of the room anyway," he lied.

Cas let out a defeated sigh. "Very well. If you insist."

They worked in silence for a few minutes when Cas spoke up, "It just occurred to me, Dean..."

"What's that?"

"The record that you bought for me, I don't have a turntable to play it on."

"Oh." Dean hadn't considered that. "Well, that's okay. You can use the record player in my room."


"Sure thing, buddy. You can use it any time you like."

"Thank you, Dean."

"No problem."

They fell into an amicable silence again. Dean looked around the command center, admiring how it had transformed from a plain old bunker to a veritable winter wonderland. No doubt Sam would complain about them sprinkling fake snow all over the place, but so what if it wasn't environmentally friendly? His brother could suck it up this one time. It was fake Christmas, after all.

Dean looked up then, intending to ask Cas how he was getting on, but the words got stuck in his throat when he realized that he had a front row seat view of Cas's ass. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze, but he couldn't help taking another sneaky glance at it. It wasn't as if he liked Cas's ass in particular, he just hadn't really seen it before. He was just so used to seeing Cas wearing that oversized trench coat, Dean had always assumed that the angel had a scrawny frame under his ill-fitting clothes. On the contrary, Cas appeared to have a lean physique, and the suit pants hugged his ass in all the right ways—

"Whoa, Dean!"

Dean had been so distracted leering at his best friend's ass that he had forgotten that he was supposed to be keeping the ladder steady. It shook so violently that Cas lost his footing and came tumbling down the ladder, landing right on top of Dean.

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