Anomaly(SCP Fandom)

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[Medium/1708 Words]


A humanoid wolf that prowls the forest at night, taking people to never be seen again. It sounds like something straight out of a fairytale yet this is reality. Many people, men specifically, of my small town have already vanished without a trace in the woods and those who do make it back tell tales of an inhuman creature. Despite this, I'm very much so a sceptic.

That fact is what lead me to this decision of venturing into the forest on a crisp Friday evening. I want to see if there really is something lurking in the night.

Entering the forest, I begin making my way down the well trodden path we often used. Leaves crunch under my feet while the slow gentle breeze rustles the trees. Birds fly and call one another while insects and small animals wander around the forest floor. If I wasn't on the search for a 'creature', I would definitely be enjoying this moment a little more.

Suddenly, as that last thought exits my mind, I become aware of something...odd.

"Why is it so....quiet?" I whisper, flinching slightly at how loud my own voice sounded in the now very quiet forest. No more was there rustling of leaves or the sounds of animals. The only sound I could hear was my own breathing, a scary realization since I know what this means. The forest going so silent means a predator is on the hunt, possibly for me.

'I am not getting killed by some wolf' I think to myself before turning around and doing my best to silently speed walk out of the trees. As I walked closer and closer to safety, I heard something behind me that made my heart stop.


Taking a big gulp, I don't even turn around and just start full sprinting, desperate now to at least get out of the tree line. Much to my horror though, whatever made that sound doesn't seem keen on letting me go since right as I start running, I hear heavy footfalls approaching very fucking fast.

'It's right behind me, it's right behind me!' I mentally scream, pushing my legs harder and harder until I finally see the lights of town.

I'm mere moments away from screaming out to maybe get other resident's attention but that plan is stopped as I feel something bowl into me from behind. The air gets knocked out of my lungs as I hit the ground, soon finding myself pinned as a heavy weight rests on my whole body.

'This is it, I'm gonna get eaten in the forest by some animal' I lament, accepting my fate but deciding to at least look at it head on.

Opening my eyes, I blink once, twice, before letting out a shocked gasp. This thing in front of me is definitely not just some animal. It's huge, probably seven feet when standing up and covered almost head to toe in black fur. What makes it very odd is that it's a humanoid and also has just a skull for a head. If I thought things couldn't get any stranger, this creature quickly proves me wrong.

"Hello human~" A glitchy yet definitely feminine voice says, the source being none another than the creature above me.

"W-Wha-?" I sputter, not really being able to get full words out.

"I won't hurt you..." She says soothingly. "If you come with me." She follows up with, drawing back off of me before staring and waiting for my answer. I take my reacquired freedom and decide what to do. I glance once at the way to town and again at the waiting creature. I really only had one choice...

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