Robotic Affection 2/2(Overlord Fandom)

841 8 17

{CZ2128 Delta X OC}


[Small/1150 Words]


Days had gone by since my fateful encounter with CZ and my life has only been improving. No longer do I fear for the next time I wake up since so far I've only been surrounded by kindness. There are a few scary things like when I met Lord Ainz but.....other than that, I feel rather safe here and have been able to adjust well.

Of course, adjusting only came so easily since one person in this whole tomb made me feel incredibly welcome.

That person is, of course, none other than CZ and she has been incredible. Every day, she will come to check on me in my room, sometimes exchanging words but usually just snatching me up tightly and carrying me around with her throughout the day. I've managed to walk at her side only once so far but she didn't seem to like it when I broke away from her that much so I haven't tried again.

To some, this may seem frustrating and like a prison of its own, but that's not how I see it. Instead, her wanting me to always be close to her is flattering in a sense and definitely something I've been missing. Being wanted by someone after so much pain and hate is a blessing and I've taken it as such.

Then there's that little fuzzy feeling...

It started just a day ago and seems to only be happening when CZ is around. Whenever I see her smile or feel her embracing me, it just gets more intense. My cheeks also heat up whenever I get this feeling and my purrs seem to have no filter at all now.

I don't know what this feeling truly is; I just know that it makes me happy!


'Speaking of' I think to myself as the telltale sound of the door opening signals her arrival. Sitting up in bed, I see her standing there at the door, a gentle smile already gracing her face. Opening my arms at the inevitable, I only have to wait a second before she's squeezing me tight and lifting me off the bed. Relaxing in her hold, I wrap my legs around her like usual so I don't fall and start purring gently at just being in her arms. She mumbles various things before I feel the incredible sensation of my ears being pet and the feeling of us moving out of my room.

Our journey through the halls takes the same amount of time as always and before I know it, I hear the ambiance of many people chattering as we enter the cafeteria. The voices of all the maids blend together but as we continue walking, a set of much more defined and familiar voices becomes clear.

"Heya CZ!" Entoma calls, followed up by the sound of patting against wood indicating that she wants CZ to sit down next to her. We move closer and for probably the only time today, she sets me down on the bench next to Entoma, taking her own seat on my other side. Now that my face isn't pressed into CZ, I can see the others at the table looking at the new arrivals.

Entoma like usual seems pretty friendly while Yuri still has the air of mysterious calm around her. The other sisters, Narberal, Solution, and Lupus, are still rather indifferent to my presence. They don't hate me but I don't think they like me either.

*Scritch* *Scritch*

Shivering in my place briefly, I turn away from the sister's eyes to see CZ looking at me while lightly scratching me.

"Eat up..." She says quietly, giving my ears one last 'scritch' before pulling away. Taking her words to mind, I grab some breakfast-type foods from the feast at the center of the table and put them on my plate. Despite never eating most of this stuff before, after a few days, I found a combination I like and have been sticking to it.

It consists of fluffy scrambled eggs and cheese, perfectly crisp toast with cinnamon sugar, and heavenly bacon that floors my taste buds every time I eat it. It's all so delicious and it only makes me happier that they share it with me every day. As I start to eat the meal, I feel CZ's hand gently rub my head but pay it no mind besides goofily smiling. It's only when I hear a small giggle from my right that I turn and see that it's not CZ petting me but Entoma!

I'm shocked for just a moment since this is the first time someone other than CZ has touched me!


A sudden noise of surprise emits from CZ before I feel her arms loop around me and pull me flush to her. There's next to no space between us and any that may remain just disappears as I feel her hug me tighter. As this happens, I realize that the atmosphere has gotten really, really tense at the table.

"What...were you doing...." CZ drawls, an emotion actually present in her tone for the first time since I met her-

She sounds angry...

"Ah, you don't need to be mad CZ. Your just always petting him so I wanted to see how it feels~" Entoma teases, only making the atmosphere all the more tense.

. . .


. . .

"He's...mine!" CZ exclaims, a hostile aura suddenly starting to emit from her.

"Pfft~" A muffled laugh sounds from across the table before just as quickly halting as CZ's hostile aura is directed at them.

. . .

"So that's how it is CZ~ I won't pet him then," Entoma surrenders, going back to eating her food.


I can barely register Entoma's words when I all of a sudden feel my body being lifted and the feeling of moving. Realizing right away that CZ is carrying me, I relax but am still slightly worried since I had never seen CZ show anger before.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

As we walk through the halls once again, my worry for the girl grows and I decide I need to say something. She's obviously still bothered about what Entoma did so....

. . .

"I won't let anyone else touch my ears CZ......." I whisper in her ear.


. . .

'This is gonna be embarrassing' I think to my self before saying a few more words-

"I'm yours after all.....right?"

Immediately after speaking those words, CZ completely halts in her tracks while pushing me out just enough so that we are now face to face save a few inches. Despite all the times she has held me, being close in this way is making those fuzzy feelings stronger.

"Truly?" CZ questions while staring intently into my eyes, so intently in fact its like she's searching my very soul. I gulp at the seriousness in her gaze before steeling myself since I already know my answer.

"Truly!" I answer back

. . .

. . .

. . .


1150 Words

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