Chapter Three (3): The Storm

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Trigger Warning: Abuse, Alcoholism, Homophobia, Violence, and Misgendering.

(Indigo Vincent)

I walked in and there was momma, slouched on the couch, beer in her hand. "Hi momma, I'm home." I say to break the awkward silence. "Room. Now." Momma said, with anger in her voice. "Yes ma'am." I go to my room, sit at my desk, put my headphones on, and start drawing.

An hour passed, then two, I almost think she forgot, and then she stormed in, "Where were you?" she asked, scarily calm. I turned to her "I was hanging out with friends. I told you that I was spending the night at my coworker's house." I said, timid. "Which coworker?" She said more sternly. "J-Just Yulian..." Does she know? "Yulian? Mrs. Sawyer's daughter?" She said, her tone getting more stern. "Yes ma'am." I say and stand up. "Scarlett Sawyer's daughter? The one with the lesbian mom?" She says, starting to sound pissed. "I don't know, she's never told me." I replied. Does she know? "DON'T LIE TO ME!" She yells and I flinch. "IS SHE?!" She raised her bottle to throw. "YES. SHE IS. AND SHE WASN'T THE ONLY ONE THAT I WAS WITH." fuck. "Who else were you with?" her voice cut me, like a knife. "Why do you want to know?" I said before I could think. "WHY ELSE WOULD I FUCKING ASK?!" She was exasperated. She hit the bottle on my dresser, breaking it. She threw it at me and it gashed my face open. "I WAS WITH EMMETT AND AUGUST!" I exclaimed, not knowing what would happen next. "ARE THEY FROM THE OTHER SIDE!?!?!" She yelled, grabbing a vase off of my dresser. "YEAH. WHAT'S IT TO YA?" She threw the vase and I dodged. "THEY'RE FROM THE OTHER FUCKING SIDE! THEY ARE BAD PEOPLE." She shouted. "They're not the only bad people." I mumbled. "What did you say?" she said walking towards me, shit. "I said they're not THE ONLY BAD PEOPLE!" She smacked me across the face on my cut, which is bleeding profusely. "IF YOU THINK  I'M A BAD PERSON YOU'RE SO IN THE FUCKING WRONG! I'M YOUR MOTHER! I'M THE ONE WHO IS STILL HERE. I'M THE ONE WHO PROVIDED YOU WITH EVERYTHING YOU EVER FUCKING NEEDED! I'M THE ONE WHO DIDN'T LEAVE WHEN YOU WERE JUST 6 YEARS OLD AND WHEN YOUR SISTER WAS 2. I'M THE ONE WHO CARES." She complained. "Don't you DARE bring dad into this. HE ACTUALLY CARED FOR ME. YET YOU ARE STILL STRUNG UP ON HIS DEATH. HE ACTUALLY FUCKNG CARED. You NEVER cared, Mom. Hell you never were a mom. YOU WERE NEVER HERE. YOU WERE ALWAYS OUT PARTYING, OR DRINKING. YOU NEVER CARED TO HELP ME WITH OLLIE! WHO WOULD SHE CALL WHEN SHE WAS IN TROUBLE AT SCHOOL? WHO WOULD SHE FUCKING CALL WHENEVER SHE WANTED TO COME HOME FROM HER FRIEND'S HOUSE BECAUSE SHE WAS GETTING FUCKING BULLIED? ME. BECAUSE I'M THE ONE WHO FUCKING RAISED HER. I'M THE ONE WHO TAUGHT HER HOW TO READ. I'M THE ONE WHO HELPED WITH HER HOMEWORK EVERY DAMN TIME BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING STONED. I'M THE ONE WHO COOKED FOR HER AT THE AGE OF EIGHT BECAUSE YOU WERE DRUNK, OR YOU WERE STONED, OR YOU HAD A HANGOVER! WHO DRUG YOU INTO THE HOUSE WHEN YOU WERE PASSED OUT DRUNK IN THE YARD? ME. HELL I'M THE ONE WHO DROVE OLLIE TO HER COMPETITIONS BECAUSE YOU WERE ALWAYS TOO DAMN DRUNK. So yeah I'm fucking bitter about that because you NEVER CARED FOR US ONE DAMN SECOND OF YOUR SORRY ASS LIFE." I snapped back, but I didn't notice through my tears, and the blood rushing down my head, that she grabbed her pocket knife. Right before my eyes she stabbed my right shoulder, right under my collarbone. I saw Ollie in the doorway, her phone in hand. She ran back to her room, locked the door, and dialed 911. Running off of pure instinct, "MY HEART IS ON THE OTHER SIDE BITCH!" I screamed in her face and shoved her off of me. "You're a fucking disappointment. You let your sister see me like this. She's going to think I'm the bad guy thanks to you." She said in a foiled tone. "She's always known you are a bad guy. She sees you drunk. She sees all the men that go through this house. She's had to drag you back in the house from the yard while you drunk off your ass. SHE WITNESSES THE SHIT YOU PUT US THROUGH. So yeah I speak my mind to her, but even if I didn't it wouldn't change how she views you." I requite. "You speak nothing but lies. You're a liar and a disappointment. And if you want to hang out with those people who are feeding you lies about me then you can leave." She bites back. "FINE! But I'm taking Ollie. I'm taking the person who I raised by myself because you are too sorry to be a mom, let alone a mother. Who knows what your bitch ass would do to her?" I storm out, walk to Ollie's room, and knock, "Ollie, it's me. Grab Lilith, Finn, and Keifer. We're leaving." I hear shuffling and the door unlocking. They walk out, still on the phone, holding a large animal carrier with their dog, Finn, and their cat Keifer in it, and Lilith, their bearded dragon, on their shoulder, "I'm ready. Let's get out of here. Shit that's a lot of blood. Are you okay?" They start talking to the 911 operator, "We're leaving right now. We're going to the Grand Bridge Hospital. She stabbed her. Yes, Ashlee Vincent stabbed Willow Vincent." You could hear someone talking on the phone, but couldn't make out what they were saying, "Yes ma'am you can bring the police out. Please do."

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