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"You suck!" Jungkook exclaimed sitting in between Taehyung's legs as the other had his arms wrapped around kook's torso holding the game controller placed over kook's tummy. Taehyung's head was on Jungkook's shoulder focusing on screen and cursed when he saw his character smashed into wall.

"Hell yes!" Jimin cheered as he continue to press buttons on his controller smashing Taehyung's character intro wall again and again.

"You got it babe! Show him who's the winner!" Hoseok cheered for his mate. Jungkook throws a handful of popcorn at Hoseok and growled at him.

"Yeah can't you play properly!" Jungkook elbowed Taehyung in his stomach making Taehyung groaned "Keep it quiet Jeon" Taehyung whispered in his deep voice in Jungkook's ear sending shiver down to his whole body.

"Just win it already! How can you lose against this midget!" Jungkook exclaimed. Jimin gasped feeling offended.

"Hobi Hyung give him savage come back! I'm busy right now" Jimin said without moving his eyes from the screen. Hobi nods as he looks towards Jungkook to give him a good come back when he saw a pair of red glowing eyes already looking at him as a warning and a smirking Jungkook in the hold of the owner of glowing eyes clearly teasing him. He gulped and smiles awkwardly before massaging jimin's shoulder "Ayee My Little mochi let's not waste time in that comeon I'll cheer for you instead."

"You want me to win?" Taehyung asked again focusing his eyes to the screen making Jungkook nod in his hold. Taehyung smirked "Then keep your mouth shut..and let me get my concentration booster" saying that Taehyung bites Jungkook's shoulder blade with his teeth. No fangs.

Jungkook hissed loudly "Honestly fuck you concentration booster" he said but didn't do anything to push Taehyung away rather he focused on the screen which showing Taehyung's character now throwing jimin's character again and again.

Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi entered the room with tray full of food and drinks.

"Comeon have your snacks. Auntie sent it so you better have them first or I'm telling her" Soon all four left their seats and went to take a seat on the bed where Jin puts the tray.

They were in Jungkook's room playing video games as today's was university's holiday so they decided to hang out in the pack house. They live in seprate mansion as their parents were pretty much close to eachother and made this pack together so they let their kids stay together in seprate mansion near pack house. Besides tomorrow is a special day also.

They were all munching on their snack while Namjoon points out something.

"Tae, Kook tomorrow is your 23rd birthday right......you guys going to find your mate too how are you feeling." the said males stilled hearing the question and close their eyes this was the thing they both were trying to forget since last week.

Jimin nods with his cheeks puffed out "Jungkook going to be head Alpha too."

That's the thing tomorrow they both will be turning twenty three. The age where they will find their mates which they don't want also the day when Jungkook officially going to be head Alpha of their pack.

An irritate sigh left Jungkook's lips. His jaw clenched, he climbed down of the bed clicking his tongue and left the room without saying anything.

They all looked at Jungkook's back till he disappeared. Jin Yoongi nudged Namjoon who was confused at Jungkook's sudden changed behaviour.

"To be honest.... Shitty" Taehyung answered and left the room after giving them all a forced smile. He can't just stay here after that perticular topic was bought.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook left their friends dumfounded who only could look at the way they just left from.

"What happened to them suddenly?" Hoseok asked looking at others face.

Others shrugged at his question thinking it's might be other mood swings of these two. They can deal with it themselves.


Jungkook walked to back garden of their pack house. Being head Alpha was not the problem he had been prepared for it but he was frustrated with whole mate thing since last week. He don't know why whenever someone mentioned about him having a beautiful omega or beta mate if fills him up with so much anger that his wolf wants to ripped out the said person.

He pulls his hair in frustration and screamed "FUCK IT!"

A hand placed on his shoulder. He pins the person to the nearest wall as the sweet scent filled his whole being and buried his face in the sweet scented person's neck taking a long sniffs of it.

Taehyung closed his eyes as he was pinned to the wall and immediately held Jungkook's smooth black long locks as the said male start to scent him.

Taehyung whimpers as Jungkook let out dark low growl and start scenting him more aggressively. He rubs Jungkook's back from one hand while other caresses and pulling his locks.

"What got you so worked up" Taehyung asked in between his whimpers as Jungkook got a hold on his waist during scenting him.

Jungkook pulls out when he felt satisfied and sigh putting his forehead against Taehyung shoulder "I don't know"

Taehyung too sigh "You have been like this since last week. What's bothering you Kookie" he asked softly caressing other Alpha's back.

Jungkook pouts without looking up as he don't know how to tell Taehyung what's actually bothering him so he did the only thing he has been doing to himself since last week. He distracts him.

He pulls back and stood in front of Taehyung circling his arms around other's waist "Do really wanna know?" He questioned innocently.

Taehyung nods he cupped Jungkook's cheeks as he looks at Jungkook's face waiting for his answer.

Jungkook leaned to his ears and whispered in a husky voice "For an Alpha you sure got a thick ass darling" he smirks and smacks Taehyung's ass after saying and run away quickly knowing he woke up the beast.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Taehyung roared running behind laughing Jungkook with red embarrassed face.



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