Chapter 17: Maddy, oh Maddy... Why do you try

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Jianhao and Maddy are official

The organization were making their rounds around the school, catching any disobedient student who dared tarnish their rep.
The organization however, weren't the only thing on jianhao's mind. (Nor was their encounter in the closet room but that was another story.)
It was exams. The idea of them made jianhao (and the class) want to cry.

Meanwhile..... (Present)

The soft haze of the morning shone through the window as hao woke up with feelings of grogginess and tiredness.
It took him a few minutes to get back to earth as he realized his surroundings.
I'm in Maddy's house.
In her bed.
How does that even happen?
then it all comes back to me. Confused from our encounter in the closet room, I went over to Maddy's to "study". That led to me having a sleepover at hers.
Obviously I didn't do the tango with her. We both had a discussion about setting boundaries and that following the revolution we shouldn't get so distracted. It works. We just used pillows as boundaries and didn't do anything. In
Maddy must have noticed me stirring, because she said to me in her most cheerful voice. "Morning."
"Morning." Hao was tired AF and then realized: school.
"Can I just stay at home with you? I don't want to go to school..." Hao trailed off.
"No, I know that you could use me having an illness as an excuse to stay here, but come on.." Maddy gave him a look.
"Ok fineeee. Then again I need to message my mum about me staying at yours."
"You didn't message her?" Maddy said in mock surprise.
Hao pulled his phone out his pocket and started to text a message but he found a threatening one :

Mommy • 08:08

Hao Hao • 08:08
Sorry mom, I felt sick and you were busy yesterday so Maddy let me stay over. I did study though

Mommy • 08:09
Your glad I'm not going to ground you. With Nicole off somewhere who knows, I don't want to lose you!

Hao Hao • 08:09
Also Nicole's in New York. I don't know, she hasn't replied much.

Momma • 08:10
Ok GO TO SCHOOL. Stay safe.

"Ok so I've messaged my mom about it. She should be fine." Hao said as he got his bag.
"Alright let's go." Maddy said and they left the house and walked.
Maddys parents weren't there;they were never there for her. Most of the time she was by herself.

Hao and Maddy were late to school, but the worst part was that there was an assembly.
As miss Siti was making a speech on their upcoming trip to somewhere, as they came in late, the room went quiet.
But not for the normal reason.
For the wrong reason.
Whispers and gossip grew rapidly and got louder, until Ms Regna had to silence them, which for once Hao actually was grateful for.
Hao and Maddy went to their seats. Next to them was Kevin, who said "are you alright?"
Hao whispered, "what do you think Kevin? Why is everyone talking about us? It felt... off."
"Do you not know?" Kevin was already worried for Hao.
"Uh..... No.?"
A rising feeling went up in Haos stomach and he was worried it was That Event From Yesterday.
"I mean.. it cant be that bad right?" Kevin tried to cheer him up to no success.
If things were as bad now, what Ben said to Hao would suck even more. "Ben what is everyone on about?"
"Ummm..... They're on about how you and Maddy did it in the clo-"
Juhi next to him had to cover his mouth, saying "you know it's about hao, he's right here! Stop being so insensitive!" Juhi have him a long glare. "Sorry Hao. We know it's not true."
Technically it was true, but they didn't do it. Why were people so into others lives?
Then he had another thought.
Oh no.
Even if Denise was brainwashed into being a model student, she still was sociable. And now she knew about him and Maddy.
Or maybe she didn't know...
He didn't know still. It was a 50/50 chance.
He saw teverly give him a condescending look and smirk before turning away.
What if it was him?
Maddy went pale already and went out of her seat. " Going to doctor burqq. Where do I find you?"
"We're going to be in miss Sherly s class at break. She isn't in. Stay safe."
And she left, until someone came up to her and said "oh sorry, I'm already taken don't confess to me!" And laughed.
Hao was now vexed at the guys for acting like that.
As miss Siti was done with the speech, Mrs Regna came up to the stage.
"T1T5. Your exams are fast approaching, and while they seem to not be of importance to you, they are important for your future, so you must put the effort in to revise. Do I make myself clear?"
Various grumbles of "Yes" echoed through the hallway.
"Do I. Make myself. Clear?"
"YES." The sound was evident throughout the hallway.
"Good." Assembly was ending now, as students walked out the doors and into lessons.
Meanwhile Hao was still confused, trying to put the pieces together. He gathered the group together and they were all in a circle.
"Do any of you know anything about who spread the rumor of me and Maddy?" Hao was genuinely concerned.
"No, I didn't know who." Jas said. "Also, only you could manage to have a rumor spread around like that."
"Fair." Trev and Hakim agreed.
"Yeah I almost feel bad." Vincent was gleeful of this.
"Vincent, guys, we need to be mindful about this." Debbie was wondering why her friends all were so eager about jianhao and his ruined rep.

Was Vincent bothered? No, not really. It was maddy.

Though, a small part of him cared. The times he and maddy used to spend when they were together, and they genuinely were in love.
Yet, Vincent's love for Denise got in the way. He only considered Denise for her smarts.
But he couldn't say it out loud. Not now.

"We need to support both Jianhao and Maddy in this situation. I mean it's not a nice one isn't it?"
Everyone all considered this for a moment then nodded in agreement.
"It's ok, Hao. We'll all help you with it and stick with you." Hakim said to him. "After all, we are in it together."
And just like that, everyone agreed.
Just then, miss Sherly came up to the group.
Why were they all skipping lesson?
"EXCUSE ME! Get back to class! Aiya!" She shooed them away with her folder and led them to class.

Sunny was anything but sunny. In fact, he felt guilty. Guilty about the whole rumour.
He knew he shouldn't have spread it, because he saw Maddy run past him and cry.
He had definitely messed up.
Jianhao would never forgive him.
All he just had to do was lie low. He only spread it through an anonymous account linked to the academy's online post, where students found out about daily news.
He would be ok. He had to cut off contact with the account.
"You spread the rumor then?" A familiar voice was heard behind him.
Oh no.

Maddys POV
After the passionate night I spent with jianhao, I don't think I faced a welcome wake up call worse than this.
I'm in the first aid room, for God's sake.
Doctor burqq wasn't here, so I waited here as usual hoping she would be my therapist and tell me how to get through this.
I couldn't talk to hao. What if he used me for a laugh?
What if he still likes Denise?
Does he?
Is anything real?
Looking around, I needed a distraction. Something that would make me forget about the past events. Something... That was right next to me.
They were the pills I was prescribed to help my illness. To be fair, it counts as my "once a day" that doctor burqq is always on about.
So I downed the pills and rested, but it had a weird effect.
I felt myself going groggy.
And I...

💀 (She isn't dead but ykwim)

The organization came into the first aid room, checking if doctor burqq wasn't here.
"Right, you take her left, I'll take her right." A weary yet somehoe demanding voice could be heard.
Mr Alan.
"Sir... We shouldn't do this. She's a student and she's not conscious." Mrs Regna for once, seemed worried.
But Mr Alan gave an ice cold look. "Do you want this job, or you want to be...



"Then do the job then."

Mrs Regna couldn't bring herself to. And she didn't know why.

"For your sake, I'll do it." Mr Alan got a needle and stuck it in her arm.


Chloe was watching this all happen. And she didn't know what to say, or do but she had to warn Hao.
Because, after all...

It goes downhill from here.

1492 words
double post??????


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