After School Hangout

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Hazu's POV:

It's 18:00! I finally get to be alone! Seven people came up to me asking about the sewing club. Of course none of them wanted to officially join.

I walk towards the self of unfinished projects and pull down a coat and a scarf.
I wonder when Ayano will be here.
I walk over to the wall of thread and grab the corresponding color that matches the jacket.
I hear a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I say nonchalantly.
"Oh Hazu~" I hear a singsong voice say.
I look up and see Ayano leaning against the wide door frame.
"H-hi Ayano."
Ayano laughs and walks into the club room.
"D-don't y-you have a meeting w-with Budo?"
"I did!~ It was only about rearranging the club room though, so of course it didn't take too long."
"W-well s-shouldn't you be participating in m-martial arts's club a-activity?"
"I already went this week, plus I'm also, unofficially, in sewing club," she says with a smirk.

I swear, it's on days like these where I think she knows how I feel and is just teasing me!

"So~," she drags, "what will we be doing club leader?~"
"I-I'll be finishing this project f-for drama club, and, and you'll be working o-on knitting."
She smiles and walks towards me.
"Can you please hand me the knitting project then?" She whispers.
I quickly back away and my arm shoots in-front of me.
"Thank you!"
I nod.
Ayano walks over to the sewing machine and sits on the floor next to it. I follow her and sit on the chair and start taking apart the machine to thread a new bobbin.
"A-are you sure you want to s-sit on the floor?"
"Last time I sat on the table you were leaning over me showing me how to fix the scarf, then a teacher came in and yelled at us because she thought we were making out."
My face turns bright red and the thought of that memory.
"I mean I could grab a chair but the chairs are so uncomfortable," she says with a sigh, "I don't know how you can sit here and sew for hours."
I place the bobbin back into the machine and start threading the needle on my machine.
"Crap. Ayano can you go over there and grab that bag of p-parts for me?" I say while pointing across the room to an open toolbox full with sewing machine parts and tools for sewing and fixing the machines if they break.
Ayano gets up and walks to the toolbox.
I look over and see that she has gotten up.

She's so nice, I'm so happy she's my friend.

"This bag?"
"Y-yeah that one! T-thank you!"
She nods as she walks back over to the sewing machine with the bag.
"What did you need out of there anyway? The machine looks fine to me."
"I need a different machine foot. I'm sewing in a zipper but I need a different foot so then my current one doesn't break."
"What is the foot?"
I point to the tiny piece of the machine that is connected to the part that is holding the needle.
She laughs.
"W-why are you laughing?" I ask while also chuckling.
"Nothing, nothing." She chuckles.
I start digging through the big bag to find the smaller bag of feet.
"Not that one.. or that one.. where was it?.." I mutter.
I can feel Ayano's gaze still on me.
I stand up and start walking around to look at the other machines.
"Ah! Here it is!" I saw while detaching the piece.
I walk back to my machine and put the foot on the table and grab a normal foot in exchange.
"What are you doing now?" Ayano giggles while leaning on the table she previously sat on.
"R-replacing the foot so if any of the actual members of the club come in to sew they don't have to waste time reattaching the part."
"It's not only you in this club?" Ayano chuckles with sarcasm.
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up A-ayano."
She chuckles and she lowers herself back to the floor to continue knitting.
After I reattach the part I walk back over to my machine and attach the foot I needed onto it.
"Hazu can you help me with this part?"
I drop my left hand down to grab the knitting while my right hand it still fiddling with attaching the foot.
Ayano puts the knitting, wrapped around the yarn, into my open hand.
"What did you n-need help with?"
"I had twenty-seven stitches instead of twenty five."
I sigh and start to unravel the scarf from the yarn and look at it.
I pick up the free needle and join the two extra stitches together.
"Finish that row then give it to me again."
I hand her back the yarn with the project and the needles.
Ayano starts to hum while knitting.
I start sewing the zipper into the front of the jacket. I can only sew in one side and remove the yellow place-holder threads before I hear Ayano tap the table.
When me and Ayano are working in the sewing room we only talk when it is important as to not distract the other individual. Ayano hums because she hates the silence when another person is next to her.
Her humming doesn't distract me, it comforts me because it is a reminder of how comfortable she can act around me.
I hear her taps on the table once more, I tap back as to tell her it'll only be a moment.
I put down my dethreading tool and reach over to her knitting.
I quickly count the amount of stitches to ensure that when I join them it will be twenty-five and not twenty-four

Twenty-five, twenty-six.

I join the stitch together to form one and place it back by the end.
I tap the table to let her know she can continue but my hand is met with her hand still on the table.
I jump a little and quickly remove my hand.
I hear her chuckle as I look down to see her smiling, somewhat flustered, face.
Me and her just stare at each other for a while. Waiting for the other to break the silence.
Ayano's hand, which was still on the table, started tapping.
I slowly pick up my hand and start tapping back.
Her tap would be first than mine.
Hers would start the pattern and mine would fill the vacancy.
She slowly start shifting to her knees while still tapping on the table.
I stared at her while she shifted and wondering what she was planning.
Ayano slowly moves her hand towards mine a grabs it.
I jump again.
She chuckles and holds my hand while drawing circles on it.

W-what is she planning?

Eventually she grabs my hand a slowly tugs me onto the floor with her.
I go along with her and sit on the heels of my feet just as she is.
Our hands are connected and she puts them back on the table.
She slowly leans in and kisses me on my cheek.
I start to mutter out of nervousness when she picks our hands up off the table and intertwines them.
She then turns around and lays on me.
"W-what i-is happening r-right now?"
"I like you Hazu. I know you like me as well."
My heart skips a beat.
"I knew you were probably going to take forever to ask me out so I figured I should take matters into my own hands."
She turns her head a kisses my cheek again.
"I-I thought y-you liked B-budo, o-or Y-yamada." I whisper.
"You mean Taro?"
Ayano laughs.
I wrap my free arm around her and squeeze her.
"Budo is practically my brother at this point, and I only just met Taro about a month ago, and the only reason we are on a first name basis is because he prefers being called Taro over Yamada."
I lay my head on her should and nuzzle into her neck.
"I love you Hazu."
I look up and kiss her cheek.
"I love you too Ayano."
She turns around and leans into me, I lean the rest of the way and we kiss. Her lips against mine.
She breaks the kiss.
"Can we end activities early? I want you to come over so we can cuddle more."
I nod as she stands up.
She offers her hand to help me up and I take it.
She starts walking around picking up her knitting and the bag of machine parts. She puts the knitting back on the shelf and walks over to the toolbox to put the parts away.
I grab the jacket and put it on the shelf as well and walk back by the corner my machine is in and grab my bag.
I walk to Ayano who is waiting by the door.
"I have to run to my classroom and grab my bag. I will only be a moment. Can you please wait for me?"
I nod and give her a quick peck on the lips.
"Look at you~" she chuckles.
I watch as she turns around and walks to the stairwell.
Is this a dream?
I slap my face.
"I-it wasn't a dream?."
I start cheering with excitement before remembering there are other clubs working right now. I can't contain how excited I am so I run to my locker to change my shoes and run to the gate to wait for Ayano.
Once Ayano walks out to the gate I start hopping with excitement.
"Come on love," she says while grabbing my hand, "I texted my father and asked if I could have a friend over and he said yes."
I stop hopping.
Ayano notices my sudden change of mood.
"Don't worry darling, he is overseas currently with my mother. So it'll just be us two!"
I smile at her.
"I love you Ayano, I really really love you."
"I love you too Hazu, I really really love you too."

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