Chapter 1

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Danny waves his arms around. "Wait wait wait wait wait. I'm the who of what did you say?"
Walker sighs, getting up and putting his hat back on. "According to the rules, since you beat Pariah in single combat, you are now the new head honcho. You legally rule over the ghost zone."
Danny is left flabbergasted. "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-"

*100 years later*

Outing himself as a Halfa a hundred years ago after his coronation, was a very bad idea. Most of the town was cool with it and his bullies were mortified. It was his parents that were the problem, along with every ghost hunter from Illinois to Washington. Hence, he became a full time habitant of the Ghost Zone, only ever coming out to capture a ghost to keep them off an operating table, or see his friends/sister. Speaking of them, they were a big help when it came to integrating ghosts into the living world. With Jazz's knowledge, Tucker's tech skills, Sam's experience in extreme activism and his technical status as royalty/an endangered species it was all too easy to pass a law that forbade any ectoplasm based afterlife form from being hunted.

After that whole mess, it was merely a matter of cleaning up the Ghost Zone. The floating doors were straightened out, portals were monitored with a bureaucracy for interdimensional travel. All of his old enemies were repurposed, each with their own job to satisfy their obsession and keep them from causing trouble.

His friends' eventual deaths were hard on him, but a happy side note, they all lived long lives and became ghosts, so there's a plus. Sam looked very similar to how she looked when she was alive, just with flaming black hair. Tucker was a different story. Parts of him looked like a video game character without the textures, and he had a glitchy quality around him. He was a more powerful tech ghost than Technus. He, along with said lord of machinery developed the Ectonet, the Ghost Zone equivalent to the internet, only it works between dimensions, so it was a lot more convenient.

Danny absentmindedly scratches at the back of his ear during his reminiscing, briefly nudging his Phantom Phone with his knuckle. Fun fact, the Fentons (Danny refused to call them his parents) didn't know Jazz was part of the reason they couldn't hunt ghosts, and since she was the only viable option, she inherited everything from the house to the portal and the rights to all their inventions. The first thing she did was a major overhaul, complete with a rebranding, and changing her legal last name to be the same as Danny's. Phantom. Ironic.

Then there was young (by ghost standards) Daniel Phantom himself. He had changed a lot as well. His body filled out, no longer the twig it used to be, now with official superhero abs, his white hair now having a sparkly/wavy effect that added to his otherworldliness. He had removed the stylised D from his costume, and it was mostly black with white stripes on his pants, arms and torso, and a white cape. The crown of fire floats over his spectral hair, now black with icy blue mist dancing around it in a similar way to fire, the ring of rage, also a ghostly white around his right ring finger. He was proud of what he did, what he had become. He doesn't even remember the last time he was alive. Little did Daniel know that he would soon embark on a journey that would alleviate his boredom and earn him a few allies on the way.

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