Chapter 3 (DC)

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When Danny opens his eyes, he's in a dark alley, in a dark city, at night. Not off to a great start. Turning into a human (haven't done that in forever) he leaves the alley to try and find some kind of sign or a map. Wandering through the streets reveals that this place is not in great condition. "This city is a dump."
"Well that's just rude." A click echoes behind his head and Danny smirks, ready to become intangible. "You and I are going for a little walk."
"How about no?" Danny might be 115, but he's still a child. Sorta. He died as a kid anyway.
In an attempt to be intimidating, the criminal jams the gun into the back of Danny's head, but stumbles when it passes through him. "What the-" Danny jumps backwards through the mugger, eliciting a shiver from them, and knocks them on the back of the head, leaving them unconscious.
"That was weird." Stepping over the body, Danny tries to find a library.

A few muggings later, Danny stumbled upon a building with a Greek aesthetic with the words "Gotham library" on it. "Guess this place is called Gotham." Entering the library, the first thing the king of the dead does is sit down at one of the public computers and open a search engine. The first thing he searched for was "Gotham". The results were less than ideal. 'Most crime ridden city in the world? Of all the places I could end up, it's crime central. Although, it's been a while since I needed to step into the hero spotlight. Good thing my training kept me fresh. Wouldn't wanna be rusty in a place like this.' Further research into the city revealed a lot of interesting things. 'Batman? This world has superheroes? Guess I'll blend right in. More on Batman.' A few minutes looking into the local vigilante reveal both comforting and concerning things. 'A bunch of sidekicks, one of which is a crime lord, and he hates meta-humans. Part of... the justice league?' He scrolls down. 'Oh, that's a lot of heroes.'

With that out of the way, it's time for an alias. If he wants to pick up the hero thing again, he'll need a better name than Danny Phantom. Thinking back on that, Danny cringes. He really was so stupid, but then again he was 14. Danny scratches his head in thought.
'Hmmm. I need something intimidating. Something with elegance. Maybe with word play.' He thinks long and hard about it before a lightbulb goes off in his brain. 'Emporeaper. Like emperor and reaper. I mean I use a scythe. I like it. Sounds regal.' Cracking his fingers, Danny sends that little tidbit to the other duplicates via hive mind before cutting himself off. Wouldn't want to spread his attention too thin. He gets up from the computer and prepares for Emporeaper to make his debut in the most crime ridden city in the world.

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