Chapter 2

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Today was a pretty slow day for King Phantom. No ghost criminals, no stray hunters, no big meeting to have. It was nice. While Danny was never one to do nothing, it was nice to take a break every now and again, listening to the thrum of his frozen core that had replaced his heart beat. That tranquility was ruined when his friends plus a few Observants burst through the doors of his throne room trying to yell over each other. Danny watched the interaction for a while before getting annoyed. Not even Jazz was acting like an adult, and that's saying something. Danny raises a hand and ectoplasm pours from between his fingers, forming into a glowing green scythe taller than he was. It was forged from his own ectoplasm and fused with his core, so only he could summon or wield it. He slams the staff part into the ground, the room darkening and getting colder in response as the sound reverberates. "Enough!" Everyone stops arguing and turns to Danny. He might have tamed the anger that came with the ring, but sometimes it felt good to be angry. "What is this about? One at a time. Jazz, you start."

Gathering herself, the princess of the Ghost Zone explains the situation. "Well, since we have such a good system here and in the living world, I've been mapping out large areas of the Zone along with Sam and Dani, and we found something. Alternate time streams." That got Danny's attention and he sat up straighter. With Clockwork as a mentor he was bound to have some knowledge of time. Finding out his realm had access to opposite time streams was a surprise though. The surprise wasn't a surprise. Even with how old he was, there were bound to be things he didn't know. The same way humans didn't inhabit every inch of the living world, there were places in the Ghost Zone where ghosts themselves didn't have a reason to go, so it was natural for there to still be things to discover.
"And what do you want me to do with that information?"
Jazz gives her brother a scathing look. He knew exactly what she was proposing. "I was hoping a team could explore these worlds and gain allies. I mean, it happened once."

The Observants tried to start yelling again, but Danny simply raised the hand not holding the scythe and they stopped dead. He points at a random one. "You, go."
"We cannot simply explore these new worlds. What if they have hunter technology? And these are time streams, we would need Clockwork to be present simply to understand the basics of what to do with them."
Danny smirks. These guys still forget just how much power he has. "Then I'll have to go get Clockwork won't I?"
The Observant flinches. "B-but you're majesty we-"
Danny glares down at the one eyed ghost. "May I remind you, that while you may have been in charge after the initial defeat of Pariah Dark, I am the king. I rule over all ghosts, including Clockwork. He works for me, not you. Not anymore. Do I make myself clear?"
The Observants shrink in on themselves. "Yes, you're highness."
Danny nods, satisfied. "Good. I will consider the options. Leave me." The ghosts that had burst into the room leave, the three undead ones smirking victoriously. They knew Danny would be tempted.

Danny stands before a series of natural portals, Jazz at his side. "I can't believe you want to do this yourself. Actually, scratch that, I can totally believe it."
Danny shrugs. "What are duplicates for? Besides, I'm the most powerful ghost around. I'll be fine."
Jazz concedes the point. She learned a long time ago that sometimes, Danny knew better, especially with hero/ghost stuff. "Fair enough. Which one you going to check out first?"
Danny smirks. "Why pick one?" He makes a series of duplicates, each one looking at a portal each. "When I can pick all of them?" Jazz rolls her eyes and wishes her brother luck as he enters every portal simultaneously.

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