April 8th 2009 4:13am

17 0 3

                                                                                   3RD PERSON

One night, April 8th 2009, a little girl named Willow was born, her story isn't the usual, just take your time to understand her story! 

"Mark!!" A heavily pregnant woman called, she had a lot of problems during her pregnancy. Unlike her first child, William. She had a beautiful pregnancy, William was 2 at the time but he was asleep.

"Yes, darling?" Her husband asked, walking upstairs.

"My water just broke!!" Screamed the woman.

The man gasped. "Shit, shit, shit, ELAINE!!!"

Elaine was the woman's mother, she ran up. "Yes?"

"GEORGINA'S IN LABOUR!!" Screamed the horrified man.

The woman's eyes widened and she went over to the pregnant woman and started rubbing soothing circles on her back.

The man was sweating.

The elderly woman pointed to the hospital bag. "Are you daft? Get the hospital bag and bring the car to the door, your wife's in labour for goodness sake!" She was still calming the pregnant woman down. Despite her age and her poor knees were in pain, and the pregnant woman might have had a child before but her pregnancy before this one was horrible.

The man nodded and grabbed the bag running outside.

"Calm down...let's hope it's a girl!" The elderly woman said, trying to distract her daughter. "I love you, mum. But please shut the fuck up!"

The elder woman slapped her daughter. "Don't speak to me that way!"

"Ugh! Your not the one who's giving birth to something you don't know what gender it is and has had multiple problems through pregnancy!!" Screamed the pregnant woman.

She stood up. "What if I tell your father!!" 


"I. Don't. Care." Said the elderly woman clearly.

The pregnant woman's husband came up. "Elaine?"

"Yes, Mark?" Said the elderly woman.

"Watch William for us please."

"Our pleasure!" Since her husband was there too, he was a farmer but he was funnier than 2 clowns in a circus!

The man who was the pregnant woman's husband managed to get her downstairs.

(In the hospital)

The woman was heavily breathing.

The midwife was trying to calm her down but the pregnant woman couldn't give a fuck.

(3 hours later)

The woman gave birth to a baby girl.

"Mrs *Last Name* would you like to hold her?" Said a midwife.

The woman shook her head. "No! S-She's a-all floppy! A baby shouldn't l-look like that."

"She's fine!"

"No she is not!"

"She is!!"


If your wondering, that floppy baby was me!

Ah...I was not ok...Read more!!

My mother refused to believe that I was fine, I wasn't. The mother always knows as it's HER child, a few hours later I turned blue and I was rushed into Nico and I was put in an incubator.

My mother called my grandmother crying. "THEY'VE TAKEN HER AWAY!!!" Screamed the woman.

Little did they know...I survived!!

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