Being Taught Basketball

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We've skipped a few years, when I was 5, and my brother was 7. Here's an unforgettable story:

"Alright, Willow. You've been to obsessed with collecting stones, roller-skating and swimming-"

I crossed my arms. "There gems, I use them for my words."


I was autistic, so it took awhile for me to find out my words. I just shrugged.

"Alright, but we need to teach you, first of all. Your wearing your random white baggy t-shirt with shorts, long socks and trainers. More football style but I ain't arguing. Your hair's up, great! And I'm wearing my favourite (can't remember the name) basket ball player if your wondering! And practically anything basketball, but as I'm your brother, I need to help you find your words and help you play basketball!"

I grabbed a piece of paper, pencil and book and wrote:

"Stop saying 'and'" I smiled.

He rolled his eyes and threw the basketball in the hoop. "Like that."

I grabbed the basketball and threw it high, it didn't go in and I fell backwards. "Ow..."

He ran over. "Oh my gosh! Willow, are you ok?"

And of course, it was in the heat of summer so the sun got in my eyes and I had sunburn on my back and we ALSO WERE IN GREECE!!!! "Yep." I put my thumbs up.

He picked me up. "Let's get you an ice pack and a lolly, sit here Wills." He ran inside.

#1 best big brother

He ran out with a bag of peas and an ice lolly, it was 2014 so these fruit snacks were amazing!

After I recovered and my brother was busy playing basketball, I walked over and started playing. I finally managed to shoot a net or whatever and I grinned. "Ha Ha! I win! WOO!" I was running so fast I fell in the pool and almost drowned, but as I was a good swimmer I got out and started laughing. "WOO!"

My brother chuckled. "Oh gosh, I'm going to get mum to get you a towel." He ran inside, again,

Mum walked out and put a tower on me, of course I also have this thing called growth delay, it hits me by 4 years, so I looked 1, at 5. Now, I'm 14 and look 10. But I was so little (and still am) so I had NO clothes my age that fit me then, so it was either very big clothes or small younger clothes. My brother on the other hand, ages by 4 years. So he was 7 and looking 11. God, that's really weird. (My brother is 16 now and he looks 20). Oh! If your wondering, when I was a baby, I didn't look like an egg- I looked like a normal baby, just a bit small. (VERY SMAL)

The basketball was half my size, so this didn't help. My mum and dad smiled. "Let's get in the pool"

Me and my brother got changed into our swim suits and jumped in. "WOO!!" 

My mum got in after us looking like a freaking goddess! I swam over to mum, "look!" I swam right to the bottom.

My mum chuckled. "Mark, take a picture!"

My dad nodded and took a picture. "I've taken it Georgina."

My brother looked at my dad. "Isn't her name G?" My little 5-year-old brain giggled. "No! G is her nickname!"

Don't ask how basketball turns into swimming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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