The Cave

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Roxto's pov

"Follow me" He said, as he started to swim toward a little bay hidden behind some rocks. The bay was his favorite place in the whole cave. It had a little beach there and a beautiful tree that sparkled like the plants in the ceiling of the cave with huge leaves they could lie on. Roxto couldnt wait to show Kiri, he knew she would love it.

As they swam together, he found himself glancing over at her more than he probably should. He couldnt help it though. There was something about her, something so different.  Roxto havent felt this way towards anyone else before. He didnt want to keep his eyes of her, but he knew how inappropriate that would be and how uncomfortable it would be for her.

He released his gaze from her to turn back to concentrating on where they were headed. "Cmon Roxto" he thought to himself " you dont even know her that well, stop being such a creep".

They turned around the last rock before the beach. Roxto could hear Kiri gasp at the sight of the little bay and the glowing tree leaning over it.

"How beautiful" she whispered with her eyes filled with awe.

The glow from the tree shoned over Kiri,the light highlighted her features. The way it did made her look divine. Roxto admired her. She looked like a goddess in this lighting. His heart started to beat faster than it already did and the sound of it filled his ears.

"Yeah, it really is" he whispered back, still looking at her.

They began to swim towards the beach. Roxto felt his eyes grow heavy, but still he didnt feel tired at all. As a matter of fact he felt more awake than he had felt in a long time.

"Roxto this is amazing! How did you find this place?" asked Kiri as they arrived at the beach. She went up to the tree and ran her hand gently alongside the bark of the tree. A trail of light in the bark followed after her hand as she moved it upwards. Roxto snatched two low hanging leaves from the tree and put the on the sand for them to lie on. He made sure there was enough space between them.

"I actually found it totally by accident" He said as he sat down on his leaf. Kiri followed shortly after and sat down in hers. "I was playing tag with some of my old friends back when i was 8 or something"

Kiri sat with her legs to her chest and rested her head on top of her knees, listening to Roxto's story. Her amber eyes were sparkling with interest as Roxto told her how he found this cave.

"The guy who were tagged were pretty close to me so i had to hurry up and hide." Roxto continued " the guys i was playing with was the kind that would pick on you non-stop if you were the bad at anything, so i had to really step up my "tag" game"

Roxto chuckled at the memories of him trying way to hard to impress his stupid friends back then.

"So i hid inside this tunnel and got curious went i saw it lead somewhere, so I swam through it and thats when i found this place."

Kiri looked amazed, like she couldnt understand that he had found this beautiful cave all by accident.

"Wow, thats amazing Roxto! So do you and your friends hang out here?"

"No, I dont hang out with them any more" he said as he looked down on his feet.

"Oh" Kiri said briefly. She moved her leaf closer to him so they were sitting almost hip to hip. "May i ask why?" Roxto looked up at her again. Her eyes still sparkled the same way as they did before.

"Well, yeah. They werent exactly the nicest people to hang around." He stopped for a minute before continuing. "I were only friends with them because Ao'nung was. They were assholes, every single one of them. Didnt treat anyone with respect unless they had lots of power. They were absolute idiots"

"Are they the same guys that got into a fight with Lo'ak and Neteyam last time we where here?" Kiri asked

Roxto had totally forgot about that fight and started to laugh at how stupid he remembered them looking, rolling around on the sand. Kiri started to laugh too. Her laughter was something he had never hear before. It was such a delicate sound. It was like music was pouring out her mouth unintentionally. He couldnt take his eyes of her as he watched how her face lit up from the laughter. She was actually kind of beautiful.

"No, I get why you wont hang with them" she said finally after what felt like hours laughing together "but do they come here often? Like on their own?"

"Well i wouldnt hope so" He said. Kiri looked confused. He continued hesitant "I havent showed this place to anyone before. Well, not until now."

A small smile grew in the corners of Kiris mouth and her ears pointed upwards. Roxto felt his cheeks grow hot and shot his gaze down at his feet again.

"Am i the first person you ever brought here?" Kiri grinned big, her eyes almost disappeared into her cheeks.

Roxto just nodded shyly in response.

"Yes, but you can not tell anybody about this okay?! Promise me that please" He begged as he put his hands together in a prayer as to emphasize how important this was for him.

"I promise" Kiri whispered as she put her hands around his. Their eyes locked, sending a wawe of chills down Roxto's body. What probably was just seconds felt like years. Just by staring into her beautiful amber eyes he somehow knew the she would keep her promise about his secret. "Our secret" he thought to himself.


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