The Mysterious Girl

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Roxto's pov

Who was that? Had he seen her before? There was something so familiar about her.

"Roxto! Lets go!" His younger sister, Ma'eve, were dragning him past the other metkayina people over to were Nana and his other sisters were sat.

"Oh, how beautiful." Nana said while drying a tear from the corner of her eye. "Im so proud of you my dears"

Roxto smiled as he sat down besides his grandmother.

"Thank you Nana. Im glad we dont have to do that again anytime soon, my voice is absolutely destroyed" Tili said while while rubbing her throat.

Tili was the youngest of the four siblings and the one who enjoyed singing the most, besides Roxto. The two of them would often duet and sing together while hanging out or just doing chores around the mauri. Unlike Tili, Roxto didnt really like to sing infront of others. He would only sing to people he really trusted, like his family or Tsireya and Ao'nung.
Tsireya often urged him to sing at different gatherings, even though she knew he was a bit shy.

"Come on, Roxto! You sing so beautiful, people would love it!" She would say and Roxto would always decline. He didnt want to sing for people, but dancing ,on the other hand, he could easily do infront of others. He was quite good at dancing, and the other members of the clan thought so too. Children often come up to Roxto when he was running errands for his grandmother and ask him to teach them some dance moves. He always taught them something quick and easy, and he was always pretty impressed on how fast the kids would learn.

"So, Roxto, who was that girl you were staring at earlier?" Ma'eve peeked out from where she was sitting next to Nana. She was eating some food that Ma'ika just brought and was chewing really loudly.

"What?! a girl?!" Tili interrupted before Roxto could even answer his sisters question. She leaned over Roxto eagrly to join the conversation.

"What I-" he started, but were cut of by Ma'eve

"Yes a girl! I think Roro had a crush" she grinned smugly.

"No wait-"

Roxto felt his cheecks grow warm.

"Roxto has a crush!?" Now Ma'ika had joined in.

"Can i just-"

"He so does! If I hadnt pulled him with me out of the crowd, he would probably still be standing there drooling after that girl"

"I would no-"

The blush just kept getting spreading out on his face. Tili noticed this and smiled gleefully

"Oooo, Roxto is probably fantasizing about her already" Tili teased "He probably wants her to be his mate"

"Hold on I-"

"Ha! Good luck with that! Roxto has no game, he would never in a million be able to talk to her, let alone flirt with her." Ma'ika added, which made the two other sisters laugh.

"Excuse me I can talk to girls!"

"Yeah sure" Ma'eve said sarcastically " when someone you even remotely like talks to you, you start stuttering like a idiot"

"Yeah you do!" Tili laughed

Ma'eve started to imitate Roxto and acted like she was flirting with Tili

"H-h-hey b-b-baby-girl" she imitated in a voice that was suppose to sound like Roxto."you l-l-look f-f--fine as h-h-hell"

"Omg Roxy you're so cute tihihi" Tili joined in on the roleplay in a high pitch voice. Her voice was still sore from the performance so her imitation was cut short by her going into a coughing fit.

"Nana!" Roxto protested

She chuckled at her grandchildren and looked over at the girls.

"Now, now girls, leave your brother alone" she said while looking at them individually. "You know he cant help his inability to flirt"

The other girls giggled. Roxto just rolled his eyes and smiled at the others.

"Im going out the Reef, i need to cool down" he said as he got up from the sand.

"Or is he going out to meet the mysterious girl?" Ma'eve said putting her hands on her cheecks so make an shocked expression.

Ma'ika and Tili Ooo-ed in unison as he shook his head and went down to the shore.

There was nothing more Roxto loved than to swim down in the Reef, especially at this time of night. Not many knew about the wonders that were revealed wen the sun werent out. He dived in and felt the calmness grow inside him as the waves wrapped around him. He swam down to the reef to see all kind of beautiful creatures peacefully swimming together. He continued down until he was just with the coral reef and swam amongst the glowing fish. Up on the surface it was dark but down here it was like the sun had sunken into the sea and divided itself into hundreds of luminous beings. All living and moving in wonderful harmony.

But there was something different this time. Usually the fish was all scattered around the anemones, but now they were all heading some where in a pack. The pack formed something that looked like a glowing river. Roxto followed after. He didnt know what the fish were leading him to so he hid behind rocks and corals as he followed along, just to be safe.

Suddenly he noticed that the fish were at the front of the pack had started to spiral up and made some sort of cocoon around something. Roxto swam closer and closer to the spiral of fish. He made sure to swim slowly so he wouldnt scare the fish. He could make out something in the middle of the fish pack. A figure. A na'vi maybe. He swam even closer. He was almost with the outside of the spiral. The fish must have noticed him and lifted the spiral as fast as they could. Glowing fish swam around him like shooting stars and he could finally see what it was they had spiralized around.

A na'vi.

But this na'vi was no metkayina, no not at all.

She had slim arms and tail. Her skin was much more dark than his. Her hair where braided with beads and she had amber coloured eyes that was staring into his.

Roxto recognized her as the girl from the party.

How beautiful she looked up close.

She signed something, but Roxto didnt pay attention. He snapped out of the trance her eyes had him in and focused on her hands. He thought of how weird he must have looked while he started at her. He hoped he didnt do it for too long.

She repeated what she had signed.

"You're Roxto, right?"


A/n: Hi!! Im really sorry for this not being done sooner😭! I have been busy with school work and studying for some tests, so i havent had much time to finish this. I have an test again on Friday, so the next chapter might be not be out until next week, for those who care 💗💗

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