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Dave's Point Of View:

I could see for miles and miles of endless valley and hills stretched out across the horizon below my feet. The birds were singing all around me, accompanying the sound of light rushing water and bees happily buzzing about. The sun that shone through the tops of the trees that surround our property made the leaves on the shrubs glisten nearby. I stood by the gap in the trees that opened up into a marvelous view of the life below ours. The ground under my feet was a solid mix between hardened dirt and patches of grass that stuck up out of places you wouldn't expect or can't do anything about; it was a sure sign of summer. The beauty of this spot was too surreal to me and I couldn't believe that we had found it; the next civilization was 21 miles away and no neighbors anywhere to be seen or heard. I couldn't be more infatuated with this property.

"Dave?" A voice startled my thoughts and I turned swiftly around to face Pete. I greeted him with a smile and a "hey".

"What're ya doin' out here when we're in there?" He asked, motioning his thumb over his shoulder towards the house. I shrugged with a smile and turned my head to look back out towards the valleys and fields.

"Just enjoyin' the view, love," I answered after a few seconds of listening to nature. I looked back at him, expecting him to start dragging me away. He must've thought I was high.

"Well come-ed, you're missin' out!" He was exceptionally excited about something going on without me, that I could probably have a better time out here anyway. Suddenly, he grabbed my forearm and began pulling me away from my happy place and forcing me into Lord knows what.

We strolled around the long green side of the three story house, and up a few wooden steps that creaked into a dark, but colourful screen room that stretched over the porch. The door creaked as well and there they were; Ray and Mick sitting leaned way back in their own droopy chairs completely stoned out of their minds. I sat down in one of the beanbag chairs draped with psychedelic blankets that made it ultimately easy to get lost in.

"Try this," Pete stood above me and held his hand out with a little white square that rest on his plump bassist fingertips. As I got out of that difficult sitting arrangement, I saw that the small tab had a tiny picture of the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland, just face warped a bit and dreadful off colour of the eyes and skin. I lifted it with my thumb and index finger, carefully and plopped it onto my tongue. It tasted really odd this time, like a cooked lemon mixed with dirt. As I have seemed to get lost in my thoughts again, Pete had took the liberty of having the seat I got up from. I looked around and noticed there was only three of those chairs and nothing else to sit on but the hard wood floor.

"C'mere," said Pete as he motioned to sit on his lap. I blushed and smiled shyly, doing such a thing in front of the others, but they were so utterly high they wouldn't notice or care. I sat easily back down on the lap of one of my best friends and got comfortable. There was no way of sitting up, so I lay upright on the right side of his body and laid my legs across his lap. He gently placed his arm around my shoulder and in response I reached my arm around his torso. I loved the feeling of a relationship I can share with my best friend and lover and be the same person. He was basically all I needed, and certainly all I've ever wanted and I've finally accepted that he want me just like I want him.

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