Chapter 6

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"Jeff!!! What are you doing!!!" Ben yelled. He had a knife up to your neck.
"Oh... I didn't know that you were here." He took the knife away from your neck and stepped away. He looked at Ben then pointed at you.
"Well... Aren't you gonna kill her?"
"WHAT!!! NO!!!" Jeff looked at you then shrugged.
"Alright. Fine." Then he jumped out the window.
Bens pov:
Damn... He almost killed her!...
Your pov:
I want the hat. Wait... Why am I thinking about this when I was almost killed!? But I really want his hat. That's it. I'm taking it.
Writers pov:
You slowly crept up behind him and quickly snatched his hat and ran off.
"... Hey... Where'd my hat go... (Y/N)!!! YOU HAVE MY HAT!!! GIVE IT BACK!!!" He yelled. After you heard him yell you started to panic.
"Gotta find a hiding place! And quick!!" You thought. You went to the bathroom and locked the door. A few minutes later Ben started to bang on the door.
"I know your in there. I want my hat back." He yelled. You stood quiet and hoped that he'd go away. After about half an hour of silence you quietly crack open the door and step out. Then before you can take another step Ben tackles and pins you to the floor.
"Got you! ..." He looks up and down at you. "Aw you actually look kinda cute with my hat on." You blush.
"Thanks... I wanna keep your hat! I love it!" He sighs.
"I can't say no... Okay."
"Yay!" Then you blush even more when you notice that he's on top of you.
"Hey you can get off now!"
"I could. But I don't want to." He leaned closer to you and gently kissed your lips. At first it was like WTF!!! But you slowly melted into it. He started to caress your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Sorry to interrupt such a moment but I need Ben." Ben growled and helped you up.
"We'll continue this later." You blush and nod. Ben waved and him and slenderman disappeared. Then you think to yourself,
"What just almost happened?!..."

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