Chapter 10

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It was a lazy/boring day. You had no new games to play and it was way too hot to go outside. You decided to just watch tv. Even though you wanted to do something else. It was on a food channel and the remote decided to be a prick and die. So you couldn't change it. And you refused to change it manually. This super amazing food popped up and you jumped off the couch and ran to the TV.
"Man I want that food so bad!!!" You pouted a bit because the stupid tv was teasing you. Suddenly Ben pooped his head out of the TV and gave you a surprise kiss. You jumped and fell back. Ben started laughing and ended falling out of the TV. Then you laughed at him.
"Damn. So how's it going babe?" He said as if nothing happened. You giggled the said
"Oh it's going just fine. How was that landing?" You ask sarcastically.
"It was awesome." You lightly punched him arm.
"So what do you want." You ask.
"What. Can't I come and see my girlfriend without a reason? Oh and btw I need 20 dollars." He said holding out his hand. You looked at it then at him.
"Oh yeah. Sure. Hold on let me go get it." You stood up and went upstairs.
She came back about two minutes later holding something in her hand. DID SHE REALLY BRING ME 20 BUCKS!? She sat criss cross in front of me. She held out her and and unfolded it. Nothing was there. Then she slapped me!
"Ow!!! WHAT THE FUCK!? OOWEE" I said rubbing my cheek.
"You really think I'd give you money dude!? Only in your dreams. Get a job and pay them yourself lazyass."
"Alright but you didn't have to hit me so hard. That hurt." He said pouting.
"Whatever. So did you really come just for money?" I asked.
"Meh. Nothing really. I just wanted to see how you were doing. It's been a boring day and the heat doesn't help."
"Do you wanna watch tv?" I asked pointing at the couch.
"Sure." We sat down and watched some animes.
Ben put his arm around you and you snuggled close to him. You started to doze off but he noticed and squeezed your ass. You squealed.
"Don't fall asleep! I want you awake with me."
"Don't do that again!" You yell.
"Oh. Do what? This?" Then he did it again.
"You bastard!" You take his hat and run upstairs and shut and lock the door to your room. You heard him laughing.
"Hey I'm sorry! Please come back!?" You stayed silent.
"I LOVE YOU!" He yelled.
"... I love you too but I'm still not coming out. And don't even try to come through any of my electronics. I made sure they're all disconnected or shut off!" You yell.
"Okay... I'll wait then. But I just wanted to tell you that (you fav show) is on!"
You basically kicked down the door and jumped on the couch.
"YAY!!!" You yelled.

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