Chapter 15

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It was morning and you smelled bacon. You jump out of bed and opened the door. You saw a rose on the floor and picked it up.
"Where the hell did this come from?... OW!" You dropped the rose and look at your hand. You had multiple cuts and blood was coming from them.
"That freaking rose still has the damn thorns on it!!! What the hell!" You yell. You went to the bathroom and washed the blood off and wrapped up your hand with gauze. You go downstairs and sit at the table.
"GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!!!!!" You heard someone yell.
"Good morning Ben." You said laughing. Then you heard him gasp.
"What happened to your hand!?" He asked grabbing it. You snatched it away.
"Nothing. Just a little accident. I'm hungry let's eat some food." You said trying to change the subject. Slenderman placed a plate of (food that goes on a plate) in front of you. After you finished your food you thanked slenderman for it and then Ben nudged you arm.
"Hey um slenderman..." Ben said.
"What is it?" He asked.
"(Y/n) wants to help us with-" he got cut off
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! It's too dangerous." He yelled.
"Well if it's too dangerous for her to go alone she can take this." (Did someone see what I did there?) then he pulled out a sword out from nowhere. You smiled.
"YEAH!!! I can just take that!" You grabbed it but it was too heavy and it fell to the floor. You struggled to pick it up. While you were doing that Ben was trying to convince slenderman to let you fight.
"C'mon dude-"
"Do not address to me as 'dude' Ben."
"Pff... Heheh..."
"Pff..... Ass."
"As sounds like ass. It's hard not to laugh. Ha ha ha!!!"
You fell down and gave up on the sword. You heard Ben laughing and Slenderman yelling at him.
I love seeing Ben laughing. So cute! I think I'm gonna go upstairs and play video games. I went into bens room and grabbed his 3ds and played whatever game was in there. About 5 minutes later Ben ran in here and locked the door.
"Uhhh. Ben?" I say nervously.
"Oh crap. I didn't know that you were in my room. Why do you have my 3ds? Never mind just don't talk. Uh. Go under my bed!" He said.
You went under his bed and he followed.
"What's going on Ben." He just kissed me and held me close to him.
"Wait..." A few seconds past then we heard someone yell.
"Do you always get into trouble?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah kinda..." He sighed. I giggled a bit.
"Well good luck."
"Gee thanks." Then he crawled out from under the bed and left to face his punishment for whatever he did. I crawled out too and just continued playing his 3ds. Then I heard a knock at the door.
You walk to the door and open it. There stood a really tall guy that looked like slenderman but had a fedora and a coat on and a mouth and... Sharp teeth! You screamed and slammed the door. Fear ran through you and you started panicking.
"Aw man aw man aw man!!!! What do I do!?" Then you heard yells and screams coming from downstairs. One stood out, it was Ben's yell. You were looking for something. Anything that could help. But being in a room isn't gonna have anything. Then the thing knocked on the door. You squeaked. Then Ben stumbled out of the TV. He has cuts and bruises everywhere. And a bit of blood was coming out of his mouth.
"Oh my god Ben! What happened!?"
"Ugh... (Y-y/n).... They're here. *knock knock* who's at the door?" He asked looking at the door.
"Some dude that looks like slenderman but has a fedora on and a mouth."
"Shit. Offenderman..." He whispered.
"You mean... Slenderman's brother?"
"Yeah. Well were fucked. I can't exactly move." Suddenly the door was busted down.
"Oh my sweet rose. I thought you were keeping me waiting so you can make yourself nice for me. And I see Ben's here too. This is gonna be fun." You hugged Ben and he winced at the pain.
"Oh I'm sorry." You whispered.
"No it's fine." Then offenderman grabbed Ben by the neck with one of his tentacles and threw him to a wall. He hit the wall and blood came out of his mouth. Then he backed you into a corner.
Muhahahaha!!!! Evil laughter. Alright this chapter was getting too long. So you're lucky I feel like typing more. On with the story

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