At Foxy's Cage

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Foxy: *starts humming*

When suddenly Freddy comes inside to foxy's cage to talk to him

Freddy: hey foxy, what you doing?

Foxy: ah! Freddy!~

Foxy runs to Freddy to hug him and Freddy hugs foxy back.

Foxy: I'm doing nothing. What bout you?

Freddy: I'm doing nothing even. How bout today huh?

Foxy: huh? Today what?

Freddy: u know what hunny~ Don't lie to me or else....

Foxy: or else what?

Freddy went closer to foxy face when foxy face turns red...

Foxy: Ah!

Freddy x Foxy (Five Nights At Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now