7. Friend vs Boyfriend Pt1

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(A/N I love Jon/Damian but I also like Jamie/Damian, if you dont know Jamie is Blue Beatle, so this is what this is! Jamie/Damian.)


Friend vs Boyfriend Pt1

*Jamie P.O.V*

"Flipping through Netflix takes longer than actually watching something..." I mumbled to myself, although Damian obviously heard as he let out a little laugh.

I was currently lying kn my bed aatring up at my telly hung on my wall with Damians head up against my chest and our legs tangled togeather.

When I had asked Damian out I honestly diddnt expect him to say yes. I'd only gotten to know him because we had both gotten hurt on a mission with the other Titans and had to take time off togeather.

Noone currently knows of our relationship, unless you count my best friend Garfield (beastboy) and Damians best friend Jonathan (Superboy) but if anyone actually said that The Damian Wayne had a bestfriend he would quickly shoot down that idea down.

Even though it's true.

I jumped out of thought when my door swung open, the only people in the tower today were me, Dames, Gar and Jon so we diddnt have to hide our time togeather.

"Hey you wanna go play some games? Or do some training?" Gar asked me holing up some video games in his hand.

"Ah, no thanks man." I replied still trying to find soemthing to watch on Netflix while I ran a hand through Damians hair.

"It really doesnt look like you're doing much though.." He said with a frown.
At first it looked like he had glared at Damian who's eyes were glued to the screen not even acknowledging Garfield. But it was more than likely just me misreading things, he wouldnt do that.

"Why dont you go ask Jon?" I offered looking back at him.

"I dont know where he-" Gar began before getting interrupted by said boy.

"Anyone want anything from Danny's Diner?" He almost yelled...Must love that diner...

"Oooh! Pancakes!" I called to him.

"Pan...Cakes..." He slowly said writing it down on a little pad.
"Got it! Dami want your usual?"

"Yeah." He replied sitting up next to me and stretching. It would be a lie to say I diddnt miss the warmth he provided me.

"And you?" Jon asked Gar.

"Oh, er, I'll just come with you." He said following Jon out of the room.

They finally left and it was just me and Damian in the whole of Titan Tower.

"So...Anytgung you wanna do?" I asked suggestively.

"Well theres obviously nothing on Netflix...As usual." He said with an eye roll and lead in close to kiss me before we got interrupted by Gar.

"Oh! Hey!" He yelled loudly. "Jon wants to know what you want to drink" he asked looking at me.

"Oh just a chocolate milkshake" I said my eyes returning back to Damian who was still looking at Gar.

"Righto" He said walking off to catch up with Jon.

I put my hand on Damians cheek to pull him into a kiss when he grabbed my hand pulling it down holing it in his.

"Did I piss him off or something?" He asked me with a frown.

"Who? Gar?" I questioned.

"Obviously..." He said dryly.

"I dont think so. Why?"

"He keeps looking at me like I've murdered his family or something." He muttered.

"Hmm, you want me to ask him about it?" I offered.

"No fine.." he said laying his head in my lap, taking the remote from my side and continued flicking through Netflix.

I ran my fingers through his hair while we waited for our food and finding something to watch.

Finally we had settled on a cheesy sitcom, Friends. (Its good for passing time)

When Jon and Gar finally got back we all settled on my bed eating and made what looked like a makeshift picnic blanket with a towel.

While Damian and Jon talked about the show that they had watched a bunch of times before inthe past at sleepovers I looked over at Gar to see that he had kept glancing over at Damian and glaring.

Damian being a fully trained assassin and the son of batman he had obviously noticed but diddnt say anything. Well say anything yet it's only a matter of time before he does say something...Or do something, that will most likely end with Gar losing a few limbs. Not dead though I might add.

He still honours Batmans whole "thou shall not kill" thing.

"So Jon hows it going with this new girl you've been seeing?" I asked him trying to distract everyone.

"Oh! Good! Really good!" He said with a bright smile. Or atleast what I thought was bright until Damian sighed.

"She broke up with you diddnt she?" He asked. Or more like he told him.

"I...Yeah..." Jon said with a bashful smile and a small laugh.

"Couples break up all the time. It's not a big deal." Gar said with a shrug with a glance towards me and proceeded to shove a handful of fries in his mouth.

"Its just hard. Yknow. I wish o could find someone like you and Dami." Jon said looking towards me.

"Yeahhh we are pretty great togeather" I said with a happy laugh throwing a wink towards my Dami who gave a warm smile back.

"What about you Garfield? Found anyone you like yet?" Jon asked him with a small head tilt.

I dont know if it's just me but Jon is basically a golden retriever.

"Oh nah not yet." He replied with a smile.

"I thought you were dating that Taylor girl?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah I was until she cheated on me with her ex." He said obviously still pissed off about it.

"Ah...Right. Sorry man I forgot." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

I continued eating my pancakes as we all got back to watching the show.
It was obvious Gar was annoyed, at Damian to be precise. But I couldnt figure out why.

(Pt2 soon! Thankyou so much for reading)

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