Holiday HoliYAY.... Pt2

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There is hate speech, including homophobic b*tches, racism and such. Please read respectfully. If  there is reading this and agrees please leave. Anyone seen agreeing with any of that in a comment you will be reported.


Thankyou for reading!

*Damians P.O.V*

Jon, Todd and I were confined to a room for the night. There are a lot of reasons why this is the worst thing that could have ever happend.

One. Todd snores.

Two. Jon tends to bounce off the walls like a golden retriever.

Three. Jon brought about 90% of the beaches sand back to the hotel room so now everything has a grainy feel to it.

Four. I hate Todd.

Five. I̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶J̶o̶n̶  Jon is annoying.

Asif I couldnt get any worse Grayson burst into our room with his bimbo next to him, who was dressed in a ridiculous bright red nighty and had red lipstick smeared on her face and- Who wears lipstick to bed? She was looking more and more like the prostitute version of Elmo.

Grayson decided that instead of talking like a normal person he was going to scream every thought that crossed his mind. He was ofcourse requesting to play a game becasue god forbid he acts like a grown man.

"Itll be fun!" Grayson cheered while pushing Todd off his bed to wake him up.

"Dickhead..." Todd mumbled to himself while standing up. "Why should we?"

"Itll help me get to know you all! And you can get to know me!" Graysons latest said with a smile as he nodded along.

"What if we dont want to know you?"

"Dami be nice." Grayson said while rolling his eyes with a smile acting asif I was joking.

We both knew I was not.

"What will we play?" Jon happily asked like the moron he is.

"Hide and seek."

"No Prostitute Elmo." I mumbled to myself. Ofcourse Jon heard me with his alien ears and he huffed a laugh.

"Itll be fun! Ill even message Timmy, Con and Cass to join. Dami you can count count!"

"Why me?" If I had to take part I would prefer to atleast drag Jon around with me.

"Maybe because you were raised by-" Todd began before Grayson interrupted.

"Dami! You are just SO good at the game we can never find you!"

Whore Elmo raised her brows but stayed quiet as Graysons phone buzzed. "Okay! Timmers and Con are in and Cass said...Oh."

"Oh?" Jon asked.

"Apparently she snuck out a while ago to get street food...Couldve invited me." Graysin grumbled the last part before his energy returned.

"Anyways! Dames get counting!"

"Fine." I said and began to count.

Let this be over quickly...



"This is stupid..."





"Hey" a voice I recognised as ugly Elmo called out to me.

I turned around watching to slide back into the room.

"Couldnt find a hiding spot?" I asked. She was so enthusiastic to play and get to know us I'd have thought she would be hidden by now. Poorly hidden but still hidden.

"I need a favour" she stated.

"Is it fashion tips?" I asked. For her sake I sure hope so.

"No? I need you to stay away from Dick." She said with a frown.

"Stay away from-"

"What do you mean fashion tips? I look GREAT!" She practically screamed.

"Mhm..." I hummed trying to sound as innocent as I could. This Lady is ridiculous. "It was just a joke." I lied with a small smile.

"Well just stay away from him. Got it?"

"But hes my brother." I stated.

"So? You dont live together." She laughed.

"He comes over a lot of the-"

"He always talks about how misunderstood you are too."

"He was the first one who tried-"

"I wont even mention your f*g of a brother."


"You heard me. Timothy Drake, Gothams resident-"

"Dont speak about him like that."

"Why would you care? You also a-"

"Stop it."

"Or what about the other one? Freaks out whenever hes reminded of an event? What event exactly? Or is just just an attention seeking shit bag just like you?"

"Get out."

"Oh my, so demanding" She taunted with a smile that could've rivaled the Jokers.

I diddnt speak. I could kill her right here if I wanted to. I do want to. But father wouldnt be pleased. I want-

Well no... I do not want any of my so called brothers. I can handle myself. But it would be nice if one if them came in right now. Not that I need them that it.

Definitely not.

Not at all...

"And ontop of all that he thinks you're cute but all I see is a tiny terrorist."


We stood there staring at eachother for what seemed like hours. To say I was holding back tears would be a lie. I dont cry. I wont cry. It's not asif she had any power over me. Or that I believed her words.

I'm fine.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Out heads flipped to the side of the room as the wardrobe burst open.

"I- I was just-" She stutterd, her eyes blown wide said they were about to pop out of her head.

"Talking to a 15 year old like that.
Talking to my brother like that!"

One of my brothers were here.

Thankyou for reading! There will be a Pt3!!
Again, if you agree with anything b*tch Elmo said you can leave.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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