2. The Goat incident...

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-In some oneshots Bruce will be with Selina, In others he won't-

-In some oneshots Bruce will be a good Father, In others he won't-

-In some Oneshots Jon will have an olfer brothers, In others he won't-

Clark- 38

(I like the idea of jon a lil' older than Damian ^-^ )

.Damian P.O.V.

We were all sat around the dinner table eating breakfast.
I honestly don't know why I have to eat with these morons but I dont want to start anything today, Drake already looks in a bad mood so I geuss my work has been done for me.

"What's up with you?" Todd asked him.

"Nothing...Its just well I wanted to make breakfast but...But Bruce said no because I can't cook!" Drake yelled.

"You can't though." I said stating the facts.

"You can't either!" He yelled at me.

"I never said I could. Besides you just admitted you can't." I said.
What an idiot...

"Whatever! I can make toast!" He shouted.

"Calm down. Jay can teach you." Grayson said obviously annoyed at all the yelling.

"No way." Todd refused.

"Please! I'll do your chores for three days!" Drake begged.

"Why do you want to learn so bad?" Grayson asked him.

"No reason.." Drake said calming down a little.

"You want to impress Kent right?" I asked, although already knew the answer.

"What? Which one?" Todd asked me.

"Jons brother Connor. Jon told me that Connor was a bad cook and that he wanted to learn for Drake. So I'm assuming Drake knew about It and feels bad about not knowing how to cook either." I explained then went back to eating my scrambled eggs.

"Seriously?" Todd asked looking at Drake.

"Well...I mean yeah. But Damian that's none of your business!" Drake yelled at me.

"What do you mean? Jon told me about your boyfriends cooking problem so I just guessed that's what it was all about. How are you considered the better detective out of all of us if youre this stupid?" I asked him.

"Damian." Farther warned me. But I just ignored him and went back to eating.

"About the Kents." Farther began.

"Yeah?" Grayson asked.

"We will be going over there to eat dinner.  So don't break anything." Father said drinking his tea.

"Fine. But why are we going there for dinner?" Drake asked.

"Well after eating, Lois and Selina will be going out and Clark said he'd do a piece about my work in the newspaper for next week." Father explained.

"Its always work with you..." I mumbled but no one seemed to hear apart from Grayson who gave me a worried look, but diddnt say anything.

"Yeah, we're going to get some new clothes and shoes!" Selina said happily.
"I'll pick up some things for you boys too!" She added.

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