💛Ch.2 Cuddling💛

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"You heard me," Chan said while rolling his eyes.

"Well yeah, I heard you, but why the heck would I ever date you?" I was gagging just thinking about it.

"Why, you ask?" "Because I'm hot, of course," said Chan. Then, out of nowhere, our friends burst through the door, running toward us.

"Are you ok, Hyunjin?" They all yelled out as they reached us.

"We found out what happened, and we had to stop Minho from beating him up right then and there." Felix said this through gasps.

"I'll be ok. I just don't understand why he would do that, especially with my sister!" I exclaimed with dramatic hand movements.

"Well, he's a good-for-nothing jerk, and she's not any better." Felix said while pulling me into a hug.

I start crying again as Felix rubs my back in a soothing pattern while the rest just give me sympathetic looks.

We decide to go to Felix's house, because he said "eating is the world's best comfort, aside from hugs." So we stopped by a chicken place and took some to go.


We sat down to watch a movie once we got to Felix's house.

"What movie should we watch?" Asked Felix

"National treasure!"

"Harry Potter!"

Alice in Wonderland!"

They all yelled out different movies as Chan and I just stayed quiet. I decided on a movie and said.



Chan and I both spoke out at the same time, and the room went quiet as Chan and I glared at each other.

"I'm good with Tangled if y'all are." Felix said

Multiple "yeahs" went out as I got up to put the movie on.

Shortly into the movie, I started feeling tired; I guess all the crying tired me out.

'I feel someone gently steer my head towards their shoulder, and I just let it happen, too tired to think otherwise.'


I hear whispers and murmurs as I start waking up.

"Look at how cute they are!"
"Shut up, Felix! You'll wake them up!" A voice that sounded like Seungmin's whisper yelled.

I hear the sound of camera clicks and muffled giggles as I finally open my eyes.
I look around to see everyone staring at me, but Chan isn't there.

There was loud snoring in my left ear, then I realized I was laying on someone's shoulder.

Not just anyone's shoulder... Chan's shoulder!

(3rd pov)

Hyunjin sits up quickly just as Chan starts waking up. He wakes up to see the others smirking at him and Hyunjin looking shocked.

"What happened?  "Why are y'all looking at me like that?" Asked Chan as he rubbed his eyes to get the last bit of tired out.

"You and Jinnie were cuddling." Felix said with a huge smirk.

(Chans pov)


There's no way.

I cannot believe he would fall asleep on my shoulder!

"You fell asleep on me?!" I said in a disgusted voice.

"There's no way I fell asleep on you!" Hyunjin says while refusing to meet my eyes.

"Uh huh, yeah, sure you didn't," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"What's your attitude toward Chan?" "You're the one who pulled me to you and made that weird ass deal." Hyunjin says, looking me right in the eye this time.

"Wait, what deal are you talking about?" Minho asks suspiciously.

"What deal?  "There's no deal." I said it in a panic.

"Well Chan here asked me to date him." Hyunjin says with a smirk.

I just glare at him and groan as our friend starts gasping.

"HE ASKED YOU TO DATE HIM??!" yelled Felix, as the rest hissed at his sudden volume increase.

"He just got out of a relationship; don't you think it's a little early to ask him out already?" Said Jeongin.

"Yeah, I didn't know you liked him." Changbin said with a cheeky smile.

"I don't; I have my reasons to ask, and I'd rather not talk about it right now." I said this in an attempt to put an end to this conversation.

"What reasons?"  Hyunjin suspiciously asked

"None of your business." I said

"Uh yeah, it is my business since you literally asked me to date you!" said Hyunjin as he dramatically waved his hands around.

"Can we talk about this privately?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

Hyunjin looked around until he caught sight of Felix encouragingly nodding as a way to say "do it," so with a sigh and an eye roll, he got up and started walking.

"Are you coming or what?" Said Hyunjin, then he turned around and kept going, while I scrambled to quickly follow him.

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