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Miyeon, if you're reading this, I've gone onto my next life.

My lovely helper here at the pharmacy. Truly, you're much more than that. The truth is, I've been growing old. Maybe that doesn't take a genius to understand, but I'm writing this because I believe it is almost my time. Ever since you've came here and helped me manage the store, I really do believe it's helped me live a little longer. I'm not as agile as I used to be. I'm not as strong as I used to be.

I'm old. I'm weak. I'm not able to reach the top shelf anymore, or load big boxes onto a dolly. My hands shake whenever I pick up my teapot. Miyeon, you are the reason I have been able to rest in my last years. I grant you my warmest gratitude for letting these hands that used to move mountains settle down.

I can also rest knowing that my nephew will be loved by someone I also love like a daughter. I still remember the first time Mark met you. He came back from the hospital after dropping off a shipment and there was a giddy smile that couldn't wipe off of his face. He mentioned a blonde haired girl and since that day, I never heard the end of it. I have never seen Mark so happy in my life. There's never been a time he's mentioned you without that golden shimmer in his eyes. It hurts my old heart more than you can imagine not being able to see the day you two get married. It hurts that I will never see you two's happily ever after. There's not a doubt in my mind that you two are endgame.

I grant you the keys to the shop. Rename it if you wish, but the pharmacy is yours. As for the back room, all of my documents and books belong to the leaders; Mark, Seorin, Jisung, and Jaemin. Discuss with them what you all want to do with them.

You are smart, valiant, and bright, Jung Miyeon. Your heart is pure. Your love for others is pure. I never needed to be taken care of, but your hospitality in my last years is something I will never forget. Thank you for loving your old man, and I hope you continue showing that to the most important person in my lifetime.

I'll see you in the next one.

Uncle Jin

Miyeon put the letter back into the envelope it came in, placing it into a wooden box and clicking it shut. The smell of incense still lingered, much like the long gone presence of her late uncle. It was his death anniversary. She sat in the back room of the pharmacy, everything almost untouched since he last set foot in the room. It wasn't often that she found herself there, but she lit a candle next to the picture of him on a shrine, along with a freshly brewed cup of tea.

Outside of the pharmacy, the store front still read 'Lee Jin's Pharmacy' in block letters. The Republic never forgot about him. The day of his death, there were blocks filled with bouquets and other forms of condolences in front of the store. And today, flowers were set on the sidewalk once more in remembrance.  It was a slow day. Obviously, it didn't help that it was a bitter one too. Miyeon didn't cry about it often, and surprisingly, Mark cried even less than her.

The evening Mark found out about his uncle's death was the most shattering moment of his life. Miyeon still remembers the screams he let out, as well as the black hue that encapsulated his irises. That black color still hasn't left them. Though, when duty calls, he's there.

It's no surprise that Mark was the workaholic type. The more he worked, the less he felt. Mark worked and worked, coming home late most nights. Miyeon was never not the understanding type, but she couldn't help but grow lonely from time to time, even with the diamond on her finger. It wasn't like he was acting distant, or not giving her attention— but he never seemed the same since Uncle Jin's passing. It seemed like there was a part of him that died too that day.

The same jingle that had rung through the store for decades made her ears perk up. A tired boy walked through the door, setting down his backpack. His hair was messy and Miyeon couldn't tell if it were sweat or tears that weren't dry on his cheeks. Nevertheless, she came to his side, pressing a soft kiss to his cheekbone.

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