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"Princess Meilin!"

The meeting was cut short, expectedly after a rather bold statement from the Princess. She had a feeling it would strike a nerve, but it's not like Park Jisung hadn't been trying to do that from the start. She stood in the lobby waiting on Jeno as he talked to Jaemin across the area. She turned around and was met with sapphire eyes.

"Baek Seorin." she greeted her cordially. The blue haired girl bowed briefly, now face to face with royalty. Meilin wasn't much taller, but that was probably thanks to the heels on her boots. Seorin caught a whiff of her floral perfume, her nostrils embracing the pleasant scent. "I'm sorry about Jisung. He's been on edge, I can't say I've been helping with that." she began.

"It's nothing to apologize for. I can't say I would act the same in his position, but I understand. He's just trying to protect everyone." Meilin replied. Seorin noticed her killer smile, both rows of her teeth naturally exposing themselves. "I know. He's a hothead, it's totally okay if you think he's annoying. I could say the same right now." she rolled her eyes slightly, making the Princess stifle the urge to laugh.

"You two are devoted to one another, aren't you?" she asked. Meilin caught a glimpse of the golden sparkle in her eyes, mixed with a purple hue stirring into its usual ocean color.

"Devoted? I mean, yeah, I guess." Seorin's face became a bit puzzled at her word choice. "Around here, we call it dating. You know, boyfriend and girlfriend." she explained, making the Princess' eyes light up in interest. "Boyfriend and girlfriend..." she trailed off. They spoke common tongue, Korean was Meilin's first language after all. Though, it seems like she never picked up on all of the slang.

"I guess the correct word is spouse. So if you were to ever get married, you would be someone's girlfriend before the marriage." Seorin further explained, trying to find some common ground with the foreigner. Things clicked in Meilin's mind, her mouth forming an 'o' shape. "I guess I really need to polish up my Korean. I only ever spoke it with my mother— and that's whenever she wanted to make sure my brother couldn't understand what we were talking about." she chuckled, earning a genuine laugh from the other girl.

"No, I totally get it. Recently, I've been having to talk to Mark in English at these meetings. He taught me when we were younger and Jisung sucks at English." she related. The two laughed together now. "I'll keep that in mind. I was also taught English at a young age." Meilin added. "Really? I guess I should've expected that. Seems like something a Princess would have to learn." Seorin hummed. The taller one paused, reminiscing back on a memory that seemed so far gone.

"Actually, I learned before I moved to the Jade Kingdom. I don't exactly remember who taught me, but I learned here in the Republic." she disclosed, making Seorin gasp in shock.

"You're from the Republic? That's crazy! I had no idea— when did you move?" she exclaimed. Meilin smiled at her excitement. "I had to have been like nine. I don't really remember much about the Republic, so it honestly feels like it's my first time here." she shrugged. Although, when she looked at Seorin, she felt an energy that seemed a bit familiar. The water leader was inviting, making her feel some sense of comfort in a land she shouldn't feel like a stranger in.

"I have to show you around sometime. There's a lot of places you should check out. You're also good company— I haven't had much time to speak to my friends besides the other leaders. It would be nice spending time with another girl again." Seorin gleamed, exchanging a grin with the kind Princess. A pair of feet approached the two, followed by a yawn.

"Who's this hottie?" Another girl joined the conversation. Meilin paused, pressing a hand to her forehead. "H-Hottie? Am I warm?" she stuttered. The girl laughed, her smile reaching to her amethyst orbs.

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