Chapter 18:

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(Errors ahead/ 2 1/2 month time skip

Amane's Pov:

Today hana is 3 months old, and its what would have been Nene's due date if she carried full term.

Its also the beginning of october so Nene has been focused on Hana and new clothing designs.

She went back to work part time a couple weeks ago, but isn't back full time yet.

Today was the first day off we both had together ever since i went back to work when Hana was born.

So we were gonna use it as a family day and take hana out.
We haven't had time to really ever bring her out of the house yet, since we both have been so busy, so Nene is super excited about it.

We have also been able to finish the nursery! On one of the days that Nene had to work, I had started to paint up the wall with the baby pink color we chose for it.

It didn't take to long to paint or dry, but it was putting back everything where it was, and watching an infant full time while doing it that kinda made it difficult, but i managed to do most of it while Hana was taking naps in her crib, witch was across the room so it didnt get any paint on it.

Once i had woken up this morning, I sat up and stretched before looking over at my two beautiful girls. Nene was asleep but on if her hands was hanging off the bed into the bassinet where Hana still slept.

I slowly leaned over to look at hana, and saw her wrapped in her blanket snuggly but comfortably, as one of her little hands peeked out and was holding onto Nenes finger.

I smiled warmly, before leaning down and giving nene a kiss on the forehead before heading into the bathroom to take a shower.


I had woken up from feeling hana move and stretch, before letting out a small whine indicating she was up.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw that amane wasn't next to me. I then heard the shower, so i just got up and stretched before bending down to pick up the baby.

She was whining a bit but not to much. She probably jist needed to be changed and fed.

"Good Morning my little wonder" i said kissing her nose before cradling her into my arms.

She let out a smile and i giggled. Soon we heared the bathroom door open and saw amane come out.

"Looks like my two girls are up!"
He said coming over to us drying his hair with a towel.

"Yup! Shes very happy this morning"
Amane smiled and I gave her to him. He picked her up and she stretched before a big yawn came out.

"You excited to go spend the day outside?!" Amane asked as she babbled shewing on the sleeve to her oversized onsie.

"Ill take that as a yes" he said as i got up and he did the same. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned.

"She needs to eat" i said. Amane nodded "do you want to breast feed or do you want me to use the pumped thats in the fridge?" He asked

"Ill breast feed. It will take longer to heat up the milk and stuff and shes hungry so." I explained as he nodded.

He nodded and handed me back the baby and i started to nurse her.
She cooed happily as she ate and i smiled.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked looking up at Amane.
"We can go to the park? We can take some walks around and stuff." He suggested as i nodded "that sounds like fun!"

A few hours later:

We were all in the park and i was in a light red sweater, a black skirt and some white tights, kneeling down and buckiling hana's car seat jnto her stroller.

She was in a warm fuzzy onesie, with a blacket wrapped around her and above her buckles.

"Are you ready my little wonder?" I said with a smile, as amane had cane over and wrapped his arms around my waist. She was sucking on a pacifier and had her arns waving around slightly fussing.

I gave her one of my fingers to hold onto and she calmed down.

"Ready to go?" Amane asked setting the diper bag in the bottom on the stroller.

"Yup!" I said as we started to walk and i pushed the stroller.
The park was filled with beautiful colored trees that ranged from orange yellow and black, and a cold comfortable breeze.

"Aww how sweet" an older woman said walking towards us and looking in the stroller.

We smiled "thank you."

"Shes beautiful. How old is she?" She asked as her friends smiled at her.

"3 months today!" I answered.
"Aw so precious. Have a good day!" I smiled and we waved at them.

I looked down and saw hanako gripping my finger and looking around, her eyes soon following a leave that had fell from a tree.

"Its pretty out huh munchkin?" Amane said as she looked up and at him and smiled cooing.

I giggled as we continued to walk.
We soon ran into tsukasa, sakura snd the twins, who had recently turned 5 years old. There birthday party was the previous weekend.

"Oh hi nene!" Skaura said with a soft smile. "Hi saku!" I answered.

"NENE ONI SANN!" Tsukasa said giving me a tight hug, causing other to stare but i just giggled and hugged him back as he kissed me in the cheek.

"Hi tsu!" I laughed.
Amane greeted sakura and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well and then took me out of tsukasas arms.

I looked down at the twins who were in sweaters and were tiptoing to look in the stroller.

"Hi baby!" They said waving towards the small baby who cooed looking at them.

I smiled at them and took my hand on the stroller so it wouldn't tip.
"It was good seeing you guys, but we gotta get back. These two have school tomorrow and we have tog et then ready and have sone errands to run" sakura said as we nodded and we all said our goodbyes.

We continued our walk, and eventually hanako must have gotten tired of being in the strolled because she started to whine. It didn't sound like a hungry or in pain cry, but just a cry that indicated she wanted to be held.

She reached her arms out and amane had grabbed her.
"Hi munchkin" he said cradling her carefully in his arms as she cooed calming down.

I smiled at them and continued to walk.

We walked for a little bit longer and then we eventually decided to go to a cute diner for dinner.

Once we were home we bathed and put hana to bed and then we hung out for a little bit together.

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