'You are future Tsahik and Olo'eyktan! Start acting like it!'
The pair looked at eachother, their ears and tail falling. They left the hut side by side, walking to the beach.
I would just like to start by saying thank you all so much!
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11K reads and 162 votes! As a small side author this is a lot, and I really appreciate all the support I've gotten throughout this book.
On the side with the support of BellaCook3and another I intend to start another book, Netayam×Ao'nung. But then again it will be on the side until, "Me, or him?" is complete. I've also already started a Sully sibling book I'm not sure if I have any ships but it might end up being an oc×oc.
To any other readers that were intrigued (excited or really liked it) in any other of my books I will try and update Robby Keane seeing as two of you have commented on the last chapter for more. I have started working on the chapter in Robby Keane when I last published, a few days ago I added a bit more script to it so I'll try and publish it over my April break (next week, today's Thursday 4/13/23) and if I do end up publishing another chapter on Robby Keane I'll see to it I'll at least publish once a month or week on it.