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~Time skip~

I smiled as Ronal held her newborn son in her arms, Tonowari by her side, I called Ao'nung and Tsireya inside.

'Strong, like his father. Graceful, like his mother.' I whispered as she looked at me.

'Do you want to hold him?' She asked quietly, I looked down at my hands before looking back at her.

'I wouldn't want to dirty up the new child.' I answered as I gestured to my hands.

'What about Tsireya?' I spoke as I looked at her, Ao'nung helped me to my feet as I walked out to go wash off.

'Look at that, little princess all alone.' Someone spoke, I looked over to see Yeytxu, To'wäu, and Roxto who looked uncomfortable.

'What do you want?' I hissed as I grabbed Roxto, pushing him behind me protectively.

'If I can find out the gender.' To'wäu answered as Yeytxu came up behind me and grabbed both of my arms, holding me back.

'Get off me!' I cried out as I tried to double over, failing miserably. I noticed Roxto began to sprint off.

'Get away from me, weirdo!' I screamed at To'wäu as I kicked him in the knee, him falling over with a angry expression.

Three children of the tribe showed up as the each grabbed my arms, trying to pull me away from Yeytxu before To'wäu pushed them away.

They all began to tear before they sprinted in the direction Roxto went in.

I twisted and turned until I was able to kick Yeytxu away and push To'wäu to the ground, before I could get away To'wäu put his foot out as I tripped on it.

I yelled out in pain, not sure if I hit my stomach or not. Concerned, angry, and worried voices then began to appear.

Someone held me in their arms, another placing their hands on me.

I looked up to see Roxto holding me, Ao'nung on the other side of me with one hand on my stomach.

'Out of my way!' A voice called out, Ao'nung and Roxto both looked up to see someone as they rushed over.

'You should be resting.' Ao'nung spoke as he was handed something, he moved back as he was replaced with Ronal.

'Ronal-' I started as she shushed me, cupping my cheek, she soothed me.

'Get her to her Mauri, Ao'nung, give your brother to her.' Ronal spoke as I was moved onto a stretcher.

I was handed the small boy as he cooed, I smiled gently.

Once we got to the Mauri I was sat up with the child in my arms. Ao'nung sat behind me, his legs on either side as I leaned on him.

'Where's Ronal? This is her son, not mine.' I asked as I looked up to see only the warriors whom escorted us back.

They all shrugged as they left, two staying outside. I looked down at Ao'nung's brother, he was fast asleep.

'Look at him Ao'nung, isn't he lovely?' I asked as I cracked a smile, Ao'nung nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck.

'Our child will be even better.' He spoke in a low tone.

'You should sleep.' Ao'nung continued as he pulled away.

'But your brother-'

'I will hold him while you sleep.' He assured me as I handed him off. I laid down in his lap while he played with my hair with one hand.


'Lyä? My love, it's time to eat.' Ao'nung's voice sounded, I murmured as I rubbed my eye.

I opened my eyes to see Ronal with a plate of food. I held my head as I sat up since it began to throb.

Slowly but surely I ate as Ronal sat by me with her son in her arms, Ao'nung walked out as he was shooed off by Ronal.

'His name is Veäko (ve-a-ko).' Ronal smiled as I glanced at her and the small boy.

'That's a nice name.' I spoke as I finished half my food.

'What will you name yours?' She asked.

'We haven't talked about it.' I paused.

'I was thinking Ueyo (Ye-yo) if it's a boy. Kuru (Ku-ri) or Äwurì (Ahh-wu-ri) for a girl.' I smiled.

'I like Ueyo and Äwuri.' A voice sounded as they walked in, I looked up to see Ao'nung.

'Eel-dropping now, are we?' I chuckled as he sat beside me.

'Ao'nung, I told you to go help your father.' Ronal scolded as Ao'nung's ears darted back.

'He has Jake Sully and his son. He didn't need me.' He spoke as I finished my food, leaning my head on his shoulder

'Tsìlllyä.. I think it's time for...'

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