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"YOU!" I say loudly in shock as I stare at Mateo, he saved me? i thought he hated me?

"yes me, you know normally people would say thank you when being saved from almost being raped" he snaps, he's right here i am being rude when he saved me from that asshat. 

"you're right, i'm sorry thank you for saving me i appreciate it" trying to be kind, "yeh whatever, how stupid are you anyway leaving a club with a stranger that you don't even know, it's like you were asking for it" he exclaimed. 

What the fuck? how dare he, here i am trying to be nice thanking him but he is losing his shit at me, just like when we were on the street and i was almost killed, is he bipolar or something?

"are you bipolar?" i voiced my thoughts, "what?" he stares at me thinking i'm crazy, 

"are you bipolar, i mean you seem like it you act all nice then you lose your shit, then after you act all flirty and up yourself then you lose your shit again, i mean i have to assume you are", 

damn i talk way to much, he just stares at me waiting to be done with my rant, i can tell that he is fuming inside, 

"no, i'm not bipolar, what i am though is sick of saving your life, i mean are you that desperate for attention that you were willing to fuck a random stranger, it's like you are that stupid and dumb". 

i slap him, i couldn't control it one minute im feeling angry and the next my hand is lifted making contact with his face, 'shit that hurt, what is he made out of stone'. 

"listen here, i have never asked you do save me i don't need saving i could have dealt with it myself", 

he comes closer to me back my up into the wall, his face comes close to mine "next time you put hands on me, you will regret it i promise you" he says lowly making my heart speed up and my breath getting caught in my throat, 

i look at him in his eyes, while they are grey you can also see the coldness inside of them, "who the hell are you" i whisper,

"someone you shouldn't know", with that he stares at me backing away giving me room to breathe, 

"Mr. Hidalgo, sure there is an emergency", a man comes up to us wearing a suit, 'Mr. Hidalgo, where have i heard that before?', 

Mateo nods starting to walk away but before fully leaving "don't come back here again got it?", 

"who do you think you are telling me where i can and can't go?" the audacity of this man, i should slap him again, 

"the owner of this club, do yourself a favour and go home, it's dangerous out here for a girl like you", with that he leaves, going back into the club, closing the door behind him. 

'great, now i need to find a taxi, what a brilliant fucking night it has been', i really need to stop talking to myself. 


bloody hell, how is there absolutely no taxi's out here? This is ridiculous, "well guess i'm walking home". 

I start my walk home, ' i really regret wearing heels, my feet are going to be so sore', im halfway home when i walk past a scary alleyway, 'it always creeps me out walking past it at night, 

im about to walk past it, when i hear someone scream, 'what the hell?' I know i should just leave it alone but i can't, i quietly walk down the path trying not to make any noise, 

i hide down behind a group of garbage bags so that way whoever is there can't see me. 

right in front of my eyes i see a group of men circling a man that's on the ground, 

"where is the fucking money?" the unknown man asks to make it easier on myself im going to call him Bob, 

Bob starts to beat up the trembling man, "i don't have it please i just need some more time, i promise i will have it" the poor man begs, 

"you've had enough time, you know the boss gets impatient" Bob states grabbing out a gun! from his back, 

'Boss? what the fuck am i witnessing, oh god is he going to shoot him of please no' 

Bob raises his gun to the scared man's head "please don't do this", the man tries to plead again but it's pointless, Bob pulls the trigger to the man's head. 

I watch as the man falls down to the ground with blood pooling at his head, 'omg, i need to get the fuck out of here', 

i try to get escape out of there without making any sounds but fail badly, as i stand up i accidently knock over a trash bag filled with what i'm guessing is glass, causing it to fall to the ground making a shit tone of noise. 

When the bag falls down Bob and a bunch of other guys look over my way, 'oh shit', i try to make a run for it but i fail, two guys grab my hands forcing my to stay in place, 

"please i didn't see anything, just let me go please" i plead trying to convince them to let me go, 

"no can do sweetheart" Bob comes up to me and says he raises his hand to stroke my cheek, "Such a same, i bet you would have been a pretty fuck, maybe i should have my way with you then end you, what do you think?" he asks taunting while looking at my body. 

"Oh please, you don't have the fucking guts, you are a pussy fuckwit", what is wrong with me why do i have to always provoke people, 

"oh, you shouldn't of said that" Bob said threatening, " what are we going to do with her?" the guy holding my right arm says, "bring her with us, we will show her to the boss and he can decide" Bob tell the others, 

oh god i can't go through this, i need to get away, deciding to take a risk i slam my foot into the guy on my rights foot and using my free hand to hit the guy on my lefts dick, 

thank god i am free now i just need to run like the wind, just when i thought i was free i feel something hit me on the side of my head making me fall to the ground. 

I fall on the ground feeling myself falling unconscious and shadowed figures hovering over me, i feel someone lift me up, and that's the last thing i remember as i fall asleep. 

'Why does all this bad shit happen to me, god i should never go out ever again'. 

What do you think is going to happen next? 

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See you soon, bye guys 


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